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 Welcome to the Checklist of the Vascular Plants of the Americas (VPA) website!

                              ¡Bienvenida * Boas-vindas * Bienvenue * J !

The Vascular Plants of the Americas (VPA) website contains the first integrated assessment of all known native species of vascular plants in the New World. It contains over 129,000 species. Data is continously updated since the original publication of Dec. 2017 when we reported 124,993 species in 6,227 genera, and 355 families. The species number corresponds to about 33% of the ca. 384,000 vascular plant species known globally.

The list includes a collated dataset of accepted names of native vascular plant species from 13 geographic areas: North America north of Mexico (continental United States, Canada, surrounding islands, and Greenland), Mexico, Central America, Colombia, Venezuela, Guianas (French Guiana, Guyana, Suriname), Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil, Southern Cone (Cono Sur: Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay), the West Indies, and Trinidad & Tobago* (*added 2018). The list was compiled from published sources by the authors and collaborators including catalogues, checklists, and two large ongoing flora projects, and some unpublished data provided by the authors.

This list is a work in progress and updates and corrections are done regularly and posted on this website.

We welcome comments and feedback, and extend an invitation to contributors.

Reference: Carmen Ulloa Ulloa, Pedro Acevedo-Rodríguez, Stephan Beck, Manuel J. Belgrano, Rodrigo Bernal, Paul E. Berry, Lois Brako, Marcela Celis, Gerrit Davidse, Rafaela C. Forzza, S. Robbert Gradstein, Omaira Hokche, Blanca León, Susana León-Yánez, Robert E. Magill, David A. Neill, Michael Nee, Peter H. Raven, Heather Stimmel, Mark T. Strong, José L. Villaseñor, James L. Zarucchi, Fernando O. Zuloaga & Peter M. Jørgensen. 2017. An Integrated Assessment of the Vascular Plants Species of the Americas. Science 358: 1614-1617. Reprint [PDF] Full Text

If the VPA Checklist becomes an integral part of a publication/project we would appreciate you contact the lead author or co-authors for possible collaboration.

*Contact: carmen.ulloa@mobot.org

Suggested citation for this website: C. Ulloa Ulloa, P. Acevedo-Rodríguez, S. Beck, M.J. Belgrano, R. Bernal, P.E. Berry, L. Brako, Ma. Celis, G. Davidse, R. C. Forzza, S. R. Gradstein, Omaira Hokche, B. León, S. León-Yánez, R.E. Magill, D.A. Neill, M. Nee, P.H. Raven, H. Stimmel, M.T. Strong, J.L. Villaseñor, J.L. Zarucchi, F.O. Zuloaga & P.M. Jørgensen (2018 onwards). Vascular Plants of the Americas (VPA) Website. Tropicos, Botanical Information System at the Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, Missouri, USA. [http://www.tropicos.org/Project/VPA: day, month, year].

V. 1, Dec2017; Last updates Feb 2025

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