Dorr, L. J., G. E. Pilz & J. K. Boggan. 2009. The transfer of types from the Escuela Agrícola Panamericana to the U.S. National Herbarium in 1956 by Louis O. Williams. Taxon 58(3): 993–1001. jstor Decrease font Increase font Restore font
Authors: Dorr, Laurence Joseph
Pilz, George Edmund
Boggan, John Kendall
Title Page Year: 2009
Full Date: 27 Aug 2009
Article Title: The transfer of types from the Escuela Agrícola Panamericana to the U.S. National Herbarium in 1956 by Louis O. Williams
Publication: TaxonJSTOR Mobius
Full Title: Taxon
World List Short Title: Taxon. Utrecht.
World List Title: Taxon
World List Publisher: Utrecht, INTERNATIONAL
MO Library Title: Taxon
MO Call Number: QK1.T41; EWAN
BPH Number: 867.21
Series/dates: v. 1+, 1951+
Collation: 58(3): 993–1001
Keywords: Antonio Molina R., Ceiba, EAP, Escuela Agrícola Panamericana, JAson R. swallen, Louis O. Williams, Paul C. Standley, Paul H. Allen, Smithsonian, types, US
Reference Kind: Journal Article
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