Reveal, J. L., K. N. Gandhi, M. D. Peters & C. R. Fraser-Jenkins. 2010. (1975) Proposal to conserve the name Onychium japonicum (Thunb.) Kunze (Pteridaceae) against O. japonicum Blume (Orchidaceae). Taxon 59(6): 1893–1894. Decrease font Increase font Restore font
Authors: Reveal, James Lauritz
Gandhi, Kancheepuram (Kanchi) Natarajan
Peters, Melinda D.
Fraser-Jenkins, Christopher Roy
Title Page Year: 2010
Article Title: (1975) Proposal to conserve the name Onychium japonicum (Thunb.) Kunze (Pteridaceae) against O. japonicum Blume (Orchidaceae).
Publication: TaxonJSTOR Mobius
Full Title: Taxon
World List Short Title: Taxon. Utrecht.
World List Title: Taxon
World List Publisher: Utrecht, INTERNATIONAL
MO Library Title: Taxon
MO Call Number: QK1.T41; EWAN
BPH Number: 867.21
Series/dates: v. 1+, 1951+
Collation: 59(6): 1893–1894
Keywords: Fraser-Jenkins, Gandhi, Onychium, Orchidaceae, Peters, Proposal, Pteridaceae
Reference Kind: Journal Article
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