Kiehn, M. 1985. Karyosystematische Untersuchungen an Rubiaceae: Chromosomenzählungen aus Afrika, Madagaskar und Mauritius. Pl. Syst. Evol. 149: 89–118. Decrease font Increase font Restore font
Authors: Kiehn, M.
Title Page Year: 1985
Article Title: Karyosystematische Untersuchungen an Rubiaceae: Chromosomenzählungen aus Afrika, Madagaskar und Mauritius.
Publication: Pl. Syst. Evol.access to some Jstor -1974-fours prior to current year
Full Title: Plant Systematics and Evolution
MO Library Title: Plant Systematics and Evolution
MO Call Number: QK1.P527
BPH Number: BPH/S 658.L
Series/dates: vol. 123+, 1974+; Suppl. 1977+
Preceded By: Oesterr. Bot. Z.
Collation: 149: 89–118
Keywords: IPCN84-85
Reference Kind: Journal Article
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