Blake, S. T. 1969. Taxonomic and nomenclatural studies in the Gramineae, No. 1. Proc. Roy. Soc. Queensland 80(6): 55–84. Decrease font Increase font Restore font
Authors: Blake, Stanley Thatcher
Title Page Year: 1969
Article Title: Taxonomic and nomenclatural studies in the Gramineae, No. 1
Publication: Proc. Roy. Soc. QueenslandView in Biodiversity Heritage Library
Full Title: Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland
MO Library Title: Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland
MO Call Number: QK1.R77
BPH Number: 736.08
Series/dates: v. 1+, 1884+
Collation: 80(6): 55–84
Keywords: FMV6, gd, Andropogon, Australia, Bothriochloa, Cymbopogon, Dichanthium, Germainia, Iseilema, nomenclature, Poaceae, Schizachyrium, taxonomy, Themeda
Reference Kind: Journal Article
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