1. Ambrosia acanthicarpa Hook. (annual bursage)
acanthicarpa (Hook.)
Pl. 271 f–h; Map
Plants annual,
with taproots. Stems 10–80(–120) cm long, variously with short and/or longer
hairs. Leaves opposite toward the stem base, alternate toward the stem tip,
mostly short- to long-petiolate (the uppermost ones sessile or nearly so). Leaf
blades 2–8 cm long, ovate to lanceolate in outline, irregularly 1 or 2 times
pinnately lobed (at least the larger leaves with 7 or 9 primary lobes), the
lobes linear to ovate, entire or few-toothed, the surfaces sparsely to
moderately pubescent with more or less appressed, white hairs, the undersurface
sometimes appearing somewhat pale or whitened. Staminate heads in spikelike
racemes, these frequently in paniculate clusters, the staminate involucre 3–12
mm wide, with 3–9 shallow to relatively deep lobes, glabrous but usually with 1
or few black lines or streaks. Pistillate heads at the base of the staminate
racemes (or less commonly the racemes mostly pistillate), the involucre
enclosing 1 floret and with 1 beak, 5–10 mm long at fruiting, more or less
ovoid, with several series of relatively long, strongly flattened spines
scattered across the surface, otherwise glabrous. 2n=36. August–October.
uncommon, known thus far only from historical collections from Jackson and
Wayne Counties (western U.S. east to North Dakota and Texas; Canada; introduced
sporadically farther east). Glades; also railroads and disturbed areas.