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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 7/30/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 7/30/2013)
Species Thunbergia alata Bojar
PlaceOfPublication Sims, Bot. Mag. 52: pl. 2591. 1825.
Note TYPE: Grown from seeds procured in Mauritius (not seen).
Description Herbaceous trailing or climbing vine with strigose hairs. Leaves deltoid to deltoid ovoid, 4.5-6.5 cm long, acute at the apex, the margins undulate, hastate to cordate at the base, the upper surface sparingly strigose, the lower surface hirsute; petioles winged, to 6.5 cm long. Inflorescences with the peduncles mostly longer than the petioles; bracts deltoid ovate with acute tips, hirsute. Flowers with the corolla yellow or orange with dark purple eye 1.5-2.0 cm long. Capsule depressed globose with a stout, flattened, subulate beak ca. 1. cm long, hirsute.
Habit Herb
Note This species is found in fields, along trails, edges of thickets, gardens, and open waste places in general.
Distribution occurs in tropical America, southern and eastern Africa, Hong Kong, Guam, Amboina, the Philippine Islands.
Specimen CANAL ZONE: Secondary tropical moist forest, much of it brushy, and roadside at end of "abandoned" road C-29, 6 km E of Gamboa, 160-190 m, Nee 8971 (MO). COCLE: El Valle de Anton, Rio Indio trail, 500-700 m, Hunter & Allen 326 (MO).
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