Succulent herb, creeping at the base. Stem 7-15 cm long, slender, softly pubescent, sending out long filiform runners. Leaves opposite decussate, opposite pair unequal, uppermost smaller, ovate elliptic or rounded, entire, obtuse, smaller 1-2 cm and larger up to 10 cm long, puberulous above, villous on nerves beneath; petiole c. 2-3 mm. Inflorescence a terminal umbel or corymbiform raceme, 6-10-flowered., Peduncle 3-6 cm long, fleshy, glabrous; bracts ovate, 3.5-4 mm long. Flowers white, c. 1.5 cm across. Pedicel 8-9 mm long. Hypanthium c. 1.5 mm long, concave, lobes 4, c. 2 mm, ovate, acute, pubescent. Corolla lobes 4, valvate in bud, 7-8 x 2.5-3 mm, lanceolate, acute, greenish at the base; tube very short, throat naked, filaments short, inserted in the throat, c. 2.5 mm, bent downwards, anthers, c. 6 mm long. Disc somewhat thickened. Ovary 2-locular, many-ovuled; style c. 7.5 mm, filiform; stigma fleshy, concave, capitate.