Succulent subhyaline herbs. Leaves mostly opposite or pseudoverticillate, unequal in size, (anisophyllus) ovate elliptic to rounded. Stipules inter-petiolar, entire, persistent or obsolete. Inflorescence usually in peduncled racemes or umbel. Flowers white. Calyx (3-) 4-5 (-7)-lobed. Hypanthium lobed, obconical, turbinate or campanulate. Corolla rotate, tube very reduced, 4-5-lobed, lobes obtuse or acuminate, valvate. Stamens 4-5, usually exserted, anthers connivent with 1-2 terminal pores. Disc moderately thick, hard. Ovary 2-loculed, many ovules in each locale; stigma capitate. Capsule 2-celled, coriaceous or membranous, dehiscent by an operculatum, many-seeded. Seeds minute, compressed, testa reticulate.