Andromonoecious treelets to trees ca. 2–10 m tall. Leaves palmately compound, (25–)40–80 cm long (incl. petiole); leaflets (5–)7–11, medium green, shiny above, papyraceous, elliptic to elliptic-obovate, 8–25 × (3.5–)4–8.5cm, glabrous, the primary vein slightly raised above, more prominent beneath, secondary veins ca. (12–)15–45 per side, usually prominent on both surfaces, tertiary veins usually evident, the base attenuate, the margins entire, irregularly undulate, minutely thickened and revolute, the apex obtuse to broadly acute or acuminate (occasionally retuse); petiolules 2–6 cm long; petiole (12–)15–55 cm long, the base clasping, often sparsely pustular lenticellate, the ligulate stipule forming a low collar. Inflorescence terminal, paniculate-umbellate, hemispherical, with 3 orders of branching, glabrous, cataphylls caducous, leaving a scar, the primary axis erect, 5–9 cm long, the secondary axes ca. 5–7, 1–2 borne laterally along the primary axis, the others forming a terminal, umbellate cluster, each ca. 4–12 cm long at anthesis, expanding to 15–25 cm in fruit, tertiary axes ca. 4–10 per secondary axis, ca. 2–4 arranged singly and/or in 1(–2) pairs or pseudo-whorls and the others in a terminal, umbellate cluster, each ca. 1–4 cm long at anthesis, expanding to (2–)3–7 cm in fruit, bearing a terminal umbellule of ca. 4–12 protandrous, hermaphroditic flowers and 1(–2) lateral umbellules of ca. 6–10 staminate and sometimes hermaphroditic also flowers, pedicels of the hermaphroditic flowers 4–6 mm long at anthesis, expanding to 5–9 mm in fruit, those of the staminate flowers ca. 1–3 mm long. Calyx cupuliform, the rim ca. 1–1.3 mm high at anthesis (smaller in staminate flowers), expanding slightly in fruit, shallowly 5-toothed. Corolla rounded-obovoid to hemispherical in bud, the petals 5, narrowly triangular-ovate, 3.5–4 mm long in hermaphroditic flowers, 2.5–3 mm long in staminate flowers. Stamens 5, the filaments ca. 1.5 mm long in hermaphrodite flowers, the anthers light tan to cream white, ca. 2.5 mm long in hermaphroditic flowers, with 4 thecae. Ovary (5–)7–10-carpellate, ellipsoid (vestigial in staminate flowers), disc flat to shallowly concave, styles (5–)7–10, (vestigial and undivided in staminate flowers), united for ca. 1/4(–l/2) of their length, basal portion forming a ring, free arms ca. 1 mm long at anthesis, expanding in fruit to 1.5–1.8 mm, slightly divergent at anthesis, patent to recurved in fruit. Mature fruit terete, ovoid to ovoid-subglobose, 7–8 mm high, 6–6.5 mm wide, strongly ribbed when dry, the persistent calyx forming a collar around the disk, the base truncate.