Home Iridaceae of sub-Saharan Africa
Iridaceae in sub-Saharan Africa
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!Moraea subg. Umbellatae Goldblatt & J.C. Manning Search in IPNISearch in NYBG Virtual HerbariumSearch in SEINetAfrican Plants, Senckenberg Photo GallerySearch in Living Collections Decrease font Increase font Restore font

Published In: Bothalia 43: 16. 2013. (Bothalia) Name publication detail

Project Name Data (Last Modified On 6/22/2016)
Acceptance : Accepted
Taxon Profile     (Last Modified On 6/24/2016)
Description: Plants with branched stems, sometimes acaulescent, branches and leaves sometimes clustered at first aerial node or remote from one another; corms tunics dark brown, initially unbroken, later splitting irregularly, sometimes ultimately fibrous. Leaves several or solitary. Rhipidial spathes blunt or truncate, with outer spathe often diverging apically. Flowers fugaceous, pale yellow to ± beige (rarely pale pink) with dark venation, sometimes with perianth tube; stamens united in lower half; style branches well developed or reduced and lacking crests (in M. nana with paired filiform arms extended horizontally). Capsules ± club-shaped. Basic chromosome number x = 10.


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1 Plants with stem subterranean; leaves and rhipidia clustered at ground level (2)
+ Plants with stem aerial; either lowermost leaf inserted at ground level or all leaves and branches clustered at ground level but then rhipidia stalked (3)
2 (1) Tepals unequal, outer larger and with nectar guides at limb bases; style branches well developed with prominent crests Moraea longiflora
+ Tepals subequal, outer ± as long as inner and both with nectar guides at limb bases; style branches divided almost to base into paired filiform arms, thus lacking crests Moraea singularis
3 (1) Foliage leaves clustered at stem apex well above ground (leaves not basal) (4)
+ At least 1 foliage leaf or all leaves clustered at ground level (7)
4 (3) Style branches filiform, forked to base and extended between stamens; style branches lacking crests Moraea nana
+ Style branches flattened, appressed to opposed anther: style branches with or without prominent crests (5)
5 (4) Style branches bearing prominent crests 10–12 mm long; filaments united in column 8–10 mm long Moraea intermedia
+ Style branches without crests; filaments in column 5–7 mm long, united or free distally (6)
6 (5) Plants 150–450 mm high; outer tepals 19–27 × 9–12 mm; inner rhipidial spathes 30–40 mm long Moraea umbellata
+ Plants 90–150 mm high; outer tepals 15–24 × 6–10 mm; inner rhipidial spathe inner 20–35 mm long Moraea maximiliani
7 (3) Branches (when present) produced at ground level Moraea margaretae
+ Lowermost leaf (of two or more) inserted at or close to ground level (8)
8 (7) Branches crowded at stem apex; tepals free Moraea linderi
+ Branches borne along stem, not crowded above (8)
9 Tepals free to base; inner tepals present Moraea orthrosantha
+ Tepals united in short tube; inner tepals lacking Moraea cooperi
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