Home Iridaceae of sub-Saharan Africa
Iridaceae in sub-Saharan Africa
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!Moraea subg. Grandiflorae Goldblatt Search in IPNISearch in NYBG Virtual HerbariumSearch in SEINetAfrican Plants, Senckenberg Photo GallerySearch in Living Collections Decrease font Increase font Restore font

Published In: Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 63: 8. 1976. (Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard.) Name publication detailView in BotanicusView in Biodiversity Heritage Library

Project Name Data (Last Modified On 6/24/2016)
Acceptance : Accepted
Taxon Profile     (Last Modified On 6/24/2016)
Description: Plants usually unbranched, rarely with a shot branch from upper node. Flowers yellow (white), blue to violet pale pink; stamens united in lower half; ovary usually 3-angled; style branches well developed with prominent crests. Capsules large, exserted. Seeds flattened, usually discoid. Basic chromosome number x = 6.
General Notes: Subgen. Grandiflorae includes some 28 species of eastern southern and tropical Africa. Most are tall, have unbranched stems and large, evidently unspecialized flowers that are long-lived in almost all species. All have a solitary leaf, distinctive, flattened, discoid seeds and a karyotype of large, subacrocentric chromosomes with a base number of x = 6. With only half its species sequenced for the molecular study, subgen. Grandiflora is still inadequately sampled and no clear morphological patterns are evident in the tree topology


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1.Foliage leaf absent at flowering, only 1 or 2 cauline sheathing leaves present
Moraea upembana
1.Foliage leaf always present at flowering, occasionally short and inserted immediately below the rhipidium
2.Plants with foliage leaf inserted at base of rhipidium, well developed or short and hardly differing from sheathing leaves if present; sheathing leaves if present inserted at base of rhipidial spathes
3.Foliage leaf about as long or shorter than rhipidial spathes; evidently lacking sheathing leaves; leaf blade as far as known largely channeled
Moraea unifoliata
3.Foliage leaf blade terete and at least 3 times as long as sheathing leave; sheathing leaves solitary or 2 and located at base of rhipidal spathes
4.Foliage leaf at least 350 mm long, trailing; sheathing leaves usually
Moraea bovonei
4.Foliage leaf at 60--110 mm long, suberect; sheathing leaves solitary
Moraea balundana
2.2bPlants with foliage leaf inserted close to stem base or up to middle of stem, always distinct from sheathing leaves; sheathing leaves 1 or more none inserted close to base of rhipidium
5.Plants of southern Africa
6.Plants with single sheathing leaf; flowers yellow;(native to central KwaZulu-Natal)
Moraea unibracteata
6.Plants with 2–several sheathing leaves, usually overlapping one above; flowers yellow, white or pink or blue
7.Leaves with narrow adaxial groove or appearing terete with margins tightly inrolled; flowers yellow
8.Cataphylls decaying brown, entire or irregularly broken, ribbed
Moraea hiemalis
8.Cataphylls decaying into firm, dark brown vertical fibres
9.Leaf emergent at flowering, later exceeding stem; flowers deep yellow; inner tepal limbs erect
Moraea galpinii
9.Leaf present at flowering, exceeding stem; flowers pale yellow to almost white; inner tepal limbs spreading
Moraea robusta
7.Leaves plane to widely channelled; flowers yellow, white or pink or blue
10.Flowers blue or pink then often with style crests darker pink
11.Flowers blue to violet; filaments shorter than anthers
Moraea ardesiaca
11.Flowers pink often with darker pink style crests; filaments longer than anthers
Moraea carnea
10.Flowers yellow or white with style crests sometimes with dark purple to brown markings
12.Cataphylls forming a pale straw-coloured fibrous network distally
13.Plants usually solitary; flowers deep yellow with orange nectar guides
Moraea reticulata
13.Plants growing in clumps; flowers pale watery yellow with small, white to pale yellow nectar guides
Moraea alticola
12.Cataphylls pale to brown , entire or frayed or torn at apex or decaying irregularly
14.Style crests with dark purple-brown blotch at bases
15.Plants growing mostly along steams and drainage lines, usually in clumps
Moraea huttonii
15.Plants of open grassland, usually solitary
Moraea graminicola
14.Style crests uniformly coloured
16.Plants relatively small, up to 450 mm tall; plants mostly solitary
17.Leaf 5–6 mm wide; outer tepals 35–50 mm long
Moraea muddii
17.Leaf mostly 8–25 mm wide; outer tepals 60–75 mm long
Moraea graminicola
16.Plants tall, usually > 500 mm tall; plants usually growing in clumps
18.Leaves ± flat to widely channelled, .. mm wide, deep green; flowers often with large orange nectar guide
Moraea spathulata
18.Leaves with semicircular channel, .. mm wide, glaucous-green; flowers with small yellow nectar guide
Moraea muddii
5.Plants of tropical Africa
19.Flowers yellow; outer tepals (20–)25–35 mm long
20.Foliage leaf inserted in middle of stem, mostly 50–120 but up to 200 mm long, usually shorter than stem; sheathing leaf solitary
Moraea clavata
20.Foliage leaf basal or inserted in lower half of stem and shorter to much longer than stem; sheathing leaves 3 or 4
21.Rhipidial spathes 50-80 mm long; sheathing leaves 50–80 mm long
Moraea inyangani
21.Rhipidial spathes 45–55 mm long; sheathing leaves 30– 45 nm long
Moraea angolensis
19.Flowers yellow, blue(mauve) or white); outer tepals 38–100 mm long
22.22aSheathing leaves and spathes partly or completely dry at flowering time and the flowers blue and blooming at the end of the dry season to early in the wet season (Sep.–Dec. south of the equator, Dec.–May north of the equator); leaf often shorter than the stem at flowering; cataphylls dark red-brown and prominent
Moraea schimperi
22.Sheathing leaves and spathes at least partly green at flowering time, or if not, the flowers white to yellow and not flowering at the end of the dry season; leaf exceeding the stem, or if not, flowers white to yellow
23.Leaf inserted above ground level, very short and rarely exceeding stem; sheathing leaves usually solitary
Moraea brevifolia
23.Leaf basal or if inserted above ground, then sheathing leaves 1 or 2; leaves not exceeding spathes or the plants no more than 350 mm high
24.Plants of Zimbabwe, central and southern Mozambique and South Africa
25.Flowering in spring and early summer, Sep.-Nov., usually in moist habitats; 300–500(–700) mm tall; leaf ca. 5 mm wide
Moraea muddii
25.Flowering in summer in open grassland; usually more than 500 mm tall; leaf usually more than 10 mm wide
Moraea spathulata
24.Plants of tropical Africa – Angola and north of Zimbabwe and central Mozambique
26.Plants 300–350 mm tall with 2 sheathing cauline leaves only and foliage leaf not or only shortly exceeding stem
Moraea tanzanica
26.Plants usually more than 400 mm tall, if less, then the bract leaves more than 2 and the leaf much exceeding rhipidia
27.Sheathing leaves not overlapping
28.Flowers blue(mauve)
29.Outer tepals 55–80 mm long; corm tunics of pale, netted fibers; plants of Congo (DR), Tanzania, eastern Zambia, Malawi
Moraea macrantha
29.Outer tepals 47–60 mm long; corm tunics of wiry, dark fibers; plants of Angola, Congo (DR) and western Zambia
Moraea textilis
28.Flowers yellow to white
30.Flowers white flushed pink or red near bases of tepals
Moraea niassensis
30.Flowers yellow
27.Sheathing leaves overlapping
32.Flowers blue
33.Outer tepals more than 55 mm long
Moraea macrantha
33.Outer tepals less than 55 mm long
34.Anthers 8–11 mm long; inner tepals 37–45 mm long; plants of Burundi, Congo (DR), Zambia, and Tanzania
Moraea ventricosa
34.Anthers 10–15 mm long; inner tepals 48–65 mm long; plants of Angola and western Zambia
Moraea textilis
32.Flowers white to cream or yellow
35.Anthers 8–10 mm long
Moraea ventricosa
35.Anthers 10–15 mm long
36.Outer tepals 50–100 mm long; sheathing leaves 2 or 3 (or 4 but then the tepals more than 50 mm)
Moraea verdickii
36.Outer tepals 45–65 mm long; sheathing leaves (4)5 to 7
Moraea textilis
31.Flowering Nov.-Feb. (Mar.) mostly in well-drained sites; anthers 10-14 mm long; outer tepals 50–100 mm long
Moraea verdickii
31.Flowering (Feb.) Mar. to July in damp situations; anthers 8-10 mm long; outer tepals 45–65 mm
Moraea bella
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