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!Ixia sect. Morphixia (Ker Gawl.) Pax Search in IPNISearch in NYBG Virtual HerbariumSearch in SEINetAfrican Plants, Senckenberg Photo GallerySearch in Living Collections Decrease font Increase font Restore font

Published In: Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien, Zweite Auflage 5: 154. 1888. (Nat. Pflanzenfam. (ed. 2)) Name publication detail

Project Name Data (Last Modified On 9/1/2016)
Acceptance : Accepted
Taxon Profile     (Last Modified On 9/2/2016)
Description: usually 3, sometimes up to 5, but always dimorphic, lower foliage leaves with well-developed blades and uppermost 1 (rarely 2 when basal foliage leaves more than 2) entirely sheathing. Spike with bracts usually membranous and translucent, rarely flushed with purple and opaque, outer with 3(5) prominent veins and 3-lobed to 3-toothed (or 5-toothed when 5-veined). Flowers usually actinomorphic, rarely bilateral, mostly pale blue-mauve, sometimes pink or white, occasionally deep purple, white to yellow in throat, erect, ascending or nodding, often scented; perianth tube funnel-shaped to cylindric; tepals subequal, spreading. Filaments contiguous around central style, rarely unilateral and then horizontal or declinate; filaments inserted at base of upper part of tube, decurrent, not expanded below, included to well-exserted; anthers dehiscing longitudinally, exserted, partly included or rarely fully included. Ovary and capsules usually smooth, rarely warty (Ixia alata and I. thomasiae); style slender, central and straight, or when stamens unilateral then displaced to lie beneath filaments.


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1 Foliage leaves 2; blades linear-filiform and up to 2 mm (and usually less than 1.5 mm) wide when alive (2)
+ Foliage leaves 1–4, blades linear to lanceolate or falcate, rarely linear-filiform but then with a moderately to prominently thickened central vein, usually > 2 mm wide in mature plants; main vein evident when alive, ± central or slightly displaced toward abaxial margin (9)
2 (1) Leaves ovate-elliptic in cross section; perianth tube ± 5 mm long Ixia teretifolia
+ Leaves not as above, either with a slightly to prominently thickened main vein ± in centre of blade or margins raised into narrow fleshy wings and main vein obscure or with main vein not evident when alive unless held to the light, lying closer to abaxial margin, when dry, main vein and margins become evident and appear thickened due to collapse of mesophyll between them; perianth tube 4–22 mm long (3)
3 (2) Leaf margins raised into narrow fleshy wings and main vein obscure; perianth tube ± 5 mm long Ixia linearifolia
+ Leaves with margins not raised and with main vein either slightly to prominently thickened main vein or main vein not raised when alive (4)
4 (3) Leaf with main vein slightly to prominently thickened; flowers with perianth tube cylindric throughout, (12–)15–20 mm long and uniformly ± 2 mm diam. Ixia stenophylla
+ Leaf with main vein not evident when alive unless held to light and lying closer to abaxial margin, when dry, main vein and margins become evident and appear thickened due to collapse of tissue between them; perianth tube funnel-shaped to cylindric, 4–22 mm long (5)
5 (4) Perianth tube 4–10 mm long; filaments included or exserted up to 2 mm from tube; anthers symmetrically arranged in a column enclosing style (6)
+ Perianth tube 12–22 mm long; filaments included or well-exserted from tube; anthers symmetrically arranged or unilateral and facing upward, then style lying below anthers (7)
6 (5) Perianth tube 4–8 mm long; tepals 11–15 mm long, thus ± twice as long as tube; filaments exserted 1–2 mm and anthers fully exserted; anthers (3–)4–5 mm long Ixia capillaris
+ Perianth tube 8–10 mm long; tepals 8–10 mm long, thus ± as long or slightly longer than the tube; filaments included and bases of anthers held within tube; anthers 3.5–4.0 mm long Ixia exiliflora
7 (5) Stamens symmetrically arranged; filaments included, 3–6 mm long; anthers 2.5–3.5 mm long, bases usually included in tube Ixia dieramoides
+ Stamens usually (?always) unilateral and horizontal to declinate; filaments 12–15 mm long, exserted 2–10 mm from tube; anthers 4–5 mm long, fully exserted from tube (8)
8 (7) Filaments exserted 2–6 mm from tube; stem simple or with 1 or 2(3) lateral branches, branches subtended by attenuate bracts and prophylls; cataphylls chestnut-brown above ground Ixia pauciflora
+ Filaments exserted 8–10 mm from tube; stem with 1–3 lateral branches, branches subtended by truncate bracts and prophylls; cataphylls green with ± membranous margins Ixia reclinata
9 (1) Foliage leaves with margins broadly winged, thus H-shaped in cross section; ovary and capsules warty (10)
+ Foliage leaves plane, sometimes with margins heavily thickened but never winged; ovary and capsules smooth, rarely surface obscurely roughened (11)
10 (9) Flowers pale pink with white to pale yellow throat; perianth tube 5–6 mm long; anthers ± 5 mm long Ixia alata
+ Flowers pale blue-mauve, white in throat; perianth tube 8–10 mm long; anthers ± 6 mm long Ixia thomasiae
11 (9) Perianth tube cylindric or subcylindric; tepals shorter than tube (12)
+ Perianth tube broadly or narrowly funnel-shaped; tepals usually as long as or longer than tube (15)
12 (11) Perianth tube 12–18 mm long; flowers pale lilac to white flushed lilac Ixia dolichosiphon
+ Perianth tube 20–34 mm long; flowers pale beige, white or pale cherry red (13)
13 (12) Corm tunics of coarse, woody fibres; flowers pale beige, usually purple outside; tepals oblong, 11–15 × 3.0–4.5 mm Ixia paucifolia
+ Corm tunics of fine, pale fibres; flowers pink to red; tepals ovate, 10–16 × 5–6 mm (14)
14 (13) Flowers white, sometimes flushed mauve to pink outside, and sweetly scented; lower two leaves subequal, both 2–4(5) mm wide Ixia cedarmontana
+ Flowers pale cherry red, unscented; lower two leaves unequal with lowermost 6–8 mm wide Ixia seracina
15 (11) Filaments reaching mouth of perianth tube or exserted (sometimes for only 1 mm), anthers always completely exserted (16)
+ Filaments not reaching mouth of perianth tube; anthers partly to entirely included in tube (28)
16 (15) Foliage leaf solitary, linear; stem usually unbranched Ixia saundersiana
+ Foliage leaves 2–4, linear to lanceolate; stem simple or branched (17)
17 (16) Perianth tube (2.5–)3.0–5.0 mm long; lateral branches usually several and always short, bearing 1–3(4) flowers (18)
+ Perianth tube 6–18 mm long; lateral branches various (19)
18 (17) Filaments pale blue to white, 5–7 mm long; lateral branches mostly 2- or 3-flowered Ixia marginifolia
+ Filaments purple-black, ± 4 mm long; lateral branches mostly 1-flowered Ixia pavonia
19 (17) Lateral branches mostly 3–6, short and thread-like, each bearing 1 or 2(3) flowers; perianth deep maroon-purple, magenta-pink, blue-mauve or white with yellow cup Ixia ramulosa
+ Lateral branches mostly 1–3, or plants unbranched, branches typically well-developed, straight or twisted, bearing 1–6 or more flowers (20)
20 (19) Branches straight and bearing 2–several flowers in distal half or plants unbranched (21)
+ Branches and main spike always 1-flowered or branches twisted and flexuose, with flowers not obviously crowded in distal half (25)
21 (20) Leaves soft textured, linear, up to 3 mm wide; margins not raised and thickened Ixia nutans
+ Leaves firm and leathery, usually falcate, > 5 mm wide; margins somewhat to strongly thickened (22)
22 (21) Leaves (5–)10–18 mm wide, with moderately to heavily thickened margins; perianth tube 14–23 mm long; tepals 15–18 mm long; bracts 8–10 mm long; perianth usually deep pink to cherry-red Ixia latifolia
+ Leaves mostly narrowly sword-shaped to falcate, usually < 5 mm wide, with slightly thickened margins; perianth tube 8–11 mm long; tepals 11–14 mm long; bracts 5–7 mm long; perianth white, pale pink or purple (23)
23 (22) Branches 0–2, short, wiry and suberect; corm with papery, onion-skin-like, pale brown tunics not persisting; perianth tube ± 10 mm long; tepals 12–17 mm long Ixia monticola
+ Branches nearly always present, diverging; corm with fibrous, medium to coarse fibres; perianth tube 8–11 mm long and tepals 11–14 mm long (24)
24 (23) Branches mostly held at more than 45° from main axis, sometimes nearly horizontally; perianth tube 8–11 mm long; filaments exserted (1–)2 mm or included in tube; anthers 4.0–5.5 mm long Ixia divaricata
+ Branches ascending; perianth tube 12–14 mm long; filaments exserted ± 4 mm from tube; anthers ± 6 mm long Ixia arenosa
25 (20) Perianth tube 11–23 mm long; tepals 13–23 mm long; bracts pale, ± translucent with dark veins evident Ixia latifolia
+ Perianth tube (5–)6–11 mm long; tepals 10–15 mm long; bracts veins ± obscured (26)
26 (25) Bracts pale; stem with (1)2 or 3 short, wiry twisted branches 5–8 mm long, each bearing a solitary flower Ixia ecklonii
+ Bracts purple to glossy brown and veins obscured; stem branching not as above (27)
27 (26) Plants mostly < 10 mm high; bracts 5–6 mm long, flushed purple; cormlets when present borne at base of corm Ixia parva
+ Plants mostly 250–450 mm high; bracts 7–10 mm long, glossy dark brown; cormlets borne on long, slender stolons Ixia brunneobractea
28 (15) Main spike long, straight and erect, lateral spikes ascending to spreading, with upright flowers crowded in distal half Ixia divaricata
+ Inflorescence not as above (29)
29 (28) Plants up to 150 mm high; flowers upright, purple with pale yellow cup; main spike and branchlets twisted and flexuose, inclined to nearly horizontal Ixia contorta
+ Plants usually taller, flowers not as above (30)
30 (29) Perianth tube (12–)13–20 mm long; anthers partially or fully included in perianth tube (31)
+ Perianth tube 5–12(–14) mm long; anthers partly included in perianth tube (32)
31 (30) Anthers half exserted from perianth tube; cormlets borne at base of main corm Ixia namaquana
+ Anthers fully included in the perianth tube; cormlets borne at ends of flattened stolons Ixia oxalidiflora
32 (30) Leaf blades of lower two or three leaves 8–15 mm wide (rarely 3–7 mm); filaments 2–4 mm long (33)
+ Leaf blades mostly 2.0–3.5 mm wide; filaments 3–4 mm long (35)
33 (32) Bracts and prophylls subtending branches attenuate, up to 5 mm long, often deflexed distally; leaves 2(1) with well-developed blades; perianth tube (10–)12–14 mm long; outer bracts with (4)5 major veins, 5-toothed Ixia lacerata
+ Bracts and prophylls subtending branches short, obtuse to truncate, < 2 mm long; leaves 2 or 3(4) with well-developed blades; perianth tube 5.5–8.0(–10.2) mm long; outer bracts with 3 major veins, 3-toothed or 3-lobed (34)
34 (33) Foliage leaves 2(3), blades usually falcate; base of stem rarely with fibrous collar; anthers 2.3–3.5 mm long Ixia rapunculoides
+ Foliage leaves 3(–4); blades usually sword-shaped; base of stem covered by a collar of fibres; anthers 3.5–4 mm long Ixia robusta
35 (32) Plants of streambanks and marshes, often growing in water; perianth tube 8–9 mm long; flowers white with yellow throat Ixia rivulicola
+ 35b Plants of hillsides and flats; perianth tube 5–10 mm long; flowers (36)
36 (35) Corm tunics of firm, fine to medium textured, netted fibres accumulating with age; corms bearing sessile cormlets at base (and rarely a slender stolon); perianth whitish or flushed palest blue with white throat; style dividing opposite middle of anthers, style branches extending between them Ixia mollis
+ Corm tunics of soft, ± papery (not fibrous) layers, not accumulating significantly; corms bearing flattened, ribbon-like stolons; perianth pink, blue-grey, slate blue or white; style dividing opposite anther tips, rarely beyond them, style branches extending beyond anthers Ixia sobolifera
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