Shrubs. Twigs stiff to 7 mm diameter. Buds ovoid, red, to about 13 mm, with whitish hairs at tip and scale margins. Leaves to 22 cm with up to 9 pairs of leaflets to 50 x 18 mm, ovate lanceolate, non-papillose beneath. Inflorescence corymbose. Flowers white, about 15 mm across. Fruit white to 12.5 x 13 mm, often broader than long; sepals fleshy. Carpels 5, inferior, apices free in depression within calyx, white-hairy. Styles to 3 mm. distantly inserted. Seed dark brown, to 4 x 2 mm. An apomictic tetraploid (2n=68) microspecies known in cultivation from the Chadwell type collection, but represented in herbaria by the following collections from the same area.