Hygrophila costata Nees & T. Nees Search in The Plant ListSearch in IPNISearch in Australian Plant Name IndexSearch in NYBG Virtual HerbariumSearch in Muséum national d'Histoire naturelleSearch in Type Specimen Register of the U.S. National HerbariumSearch in Virtual Herbaria AustriaSearch in JSTOR Plant ScienceSearch in SEINetSearch in African Plants Database at Geneva Botanical GardenAfrican Plants, Senckenberg Photo GallerySearch in Flora do Brasil 2020Search in Reflora - Virtual HerbariumSearch in Living Collections Decrease font Increase font Restore font
Group: Dicot Rank: species Kind: Name of a new Taxon Herbarium Placement: Bayer, 3rd, C, 266

Authors: Published In: Plantarum, in Horto Medico Bonnensi Nutritarum, Icones Selectae 7–8, t. 3A, a–e. 1824. (Pl. Hort. Bonn. Icon.) Name publication detail
Annotation: Authorship of the volume is ascribed (on the title page and in TL-2) to Nees, T. Nees & Sinning, but that of the taxon names validated in this work is not indicated so clearly; in later publications (de Candolle's Prodr., Martius's Fl. Bras.), the first author ascribed the name Hygrophila costata solely to himself; however, the Code specifies (Art. 46.8) that "only internal evidence in the publication...where the name was validly published" may be considered in this regard. The most significant internal evidence is the letter "S." (i.e., Sinning's initial) at the end of each "Cultura" paragraph; this suggests that only the "Cultura" paragraphs were contributed by Sinning (the lone horticulturist of the trio), and that the remainder of the protologues (diagnosis, description, etc.) and hence the authorship of the names should be credited to "Nees & T. Nees." That is the view taken here (and perhaps supported by the Latin of the title page), but it could also be argued that, because the "Cultura" parapraphs come at the end, the placement of Sinning's initial means that he was responsible for the entire protologue (which seems unlikely), and that he alone is the author of the names. It is also worth noting that Index Nominum Genericorum attributes authorship of the genus name Lecanocarpus (as well as that of its type species), published under the same circumstances, to all three individuals.
Locality: Habitat in Brasiliis
Collector and Number: Culta e seminibus, a Cl. Weinmann, Horto imperiali Pawlowskiensi praefecto, missis
Distribution: Brazil
Higher Taxa:     Taxonomy Browser
Concept:    details Projects: Antioquia , Bolivia , Costa Rica , Ecuador , Madidi Checklist , Mesoamericana , Nicaragua , Panama , Paraguay , VPA

Common Names:
  • Was manikawh
    • No References available

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