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Carduus edelbergii Rech. f. Search in The Plant ListSearch in IPNISearch in Australian Plant Name IndexSearch in NYBG Virtual HerbariumSearch in Muséum national d'Histoire naturelleSearch in Type Specimen Register of the U.S. National HerbariumSearch in Virtual Herbaria AustriaSearch in JSTOR Plant ScienceSearch in SEINetSearch in African Plants Database at Geneva Botanical GardenAfrican Plants, Senckenberg Photo GallerySearch in Flora do Brasil 2020Search in Reflora - Virtual HerbariumSearch in Living Collections Decrease font Increase font Restore font

Published In: Biologiske Skrifter 8(2): 175. 1955. (Biol. Skr.) Name publication detail

Project Name Data (Last Modified On 5/16/2022)
Acceptance : Accepted
Project Data     (Last Modified On 1/7/2021)
Contributor Text: Roohi Abid & M. Qaiser
Contributor Institution: Centre for Plant Conservation, University of Karachi – PAKISTAN
Synonym Text:

C. nutans auct. non L. (1753): sensu Clarke, Comp. Ind. 215. 1876; Hook. f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 3: 361. 1881; Bamber, Punj. Pl. 365. 1916; Collett, Fl. Siml. 272. 1921; C. onopordioides Fisch. ex M. Bieb., Fl. Taur. Cauc. 3: 552. 1819: Kitam., Fl. Afgh. 394. 1960 pro parte; Cnicus lucidus Wall., Cat. n. 2895−nom.nud; Carduus   nutans var. lucidus DC., Prodr. 6: 622. 1837; Rech. f., l. c. 221. 1979.


Fl. Per.: June – August       Vern.: Musk Thistle, Kanchari, Tiso, Badward


Type: Afghanistan, Nuristan, Inter Parum & Kandesh, 1400 m, Edelberg 1149 (W−holo; C−Iso.)


Afghanistan, Pakistan, North West India, Nepal

Map Location:

A−6: Chitral Dist.: Chitral, Lutko, between 35˚ 55ˊ N, 71˚ 18ˊ E and 36˚ 6ˊ N 71˚ 48ˊ E, 6500 ft., 4 ft. tall, flowers white, damp position near river, 6.6.1958, S.A.Bowes Lyon 812 (BM); Madaklasht, shishi, Between 35° 35' and 35° 45' N, 71° 48' and 72° 0' E, edge of field, deep purple flowers, 9000 ft., 28.7.1958, Bowes Lyon 148 (BM); Bashgalian (Kafiristan), SW of Chitral, 8000 ft.at edge of fields, 4 ft., flowers white, J.D.A. Stainton 2704 (BM); 10 km before Lowari top from Qolandi, perennial erect shrub, up to 26 inches high, flower purple, 15.7.1995, G. R. Sarwar & S. Omer 134 (KUH); Birir, Chitral, perennial herb on undulating rocky slope, 24 inch tall (60 cm), 2050 m, 35° 43' 42.9'' , 71 N, 37 46.9, very rare, florets white, 6.6.2005, Haidar Ali 1592A & 1593 (KUH); A-7 Gilgit Dist.: Gilgit Expedition (South of Hindukush), 23.6.86, 7000 ft., Dr Giles 322 (K); Chitral Dist.: About 2 miles from Madalklash on way to Drosh, ± 1 m tall, florets white, 28.7.1976, M. Qaiser & A. Ghafoor 6838 (KUH); Shogran, florets purple, 3.7.1953, S. M. Anwar Kazmi 7749 (KUH); A−8 Gilgit Dist.: Kafirstan valley, erect spiny shrub, c. 40 cm tall, florets white, on silt loamy soil, 22.6.1970, M. Qaiser & A. Ghafoor 1946 (KUH);  B−8/9 Kashmir, Western Himalayas,  Drained Lake basin of Kashmir, environs of Srinagar, within a circle of 8 miles, August 10− September 30th 1856, Schlagintweit  Cat. # 4247 (M); Kashmir, near Islamabad, 6000 ft., 1.7.02, J.R.Drummond 13969 (K); Kashmir, Region Temp., 6 – 7000 ft., T. T. s.n. (K); C−5/6 N. Waziristan, Kurram, Parachinar, 33˚ 50ˊ N, 70˚ 04ˊ E, 1500 – 1700 m,  11−12. 6. 1965  K. H. Rechinger 30929 (W, M, C); Kurram Valley, Shalina to Khawas, common in fields from 5000−9000 ft., July 1879, J.E.T. Aitchison 706, 321, 301 (K); Kurram Valley, 2 miles from Parachinar, 20.6.1972, S.M.A. Kazmi & Khan Mohd. 4019 (H); Kurram Valley, Malaua, 8.9.1972, S.M.A. Kazmi 3832 (H); C–6 Zeram near Parachinar, Kurram valley, erect, 75–100 cm tall florets purplish pink, 13.5.1974, M. Qaiser & Sultan-ul-Abedin 6062 (KUH); C−7: Rawalpindi Dist.:  Changla gulley, herb, 3−4 ft, reddish violet florets, 15.6.1959, S. I. Ali 710 (KUH), about 6 miles from Nathiagali on way to Murree, erect herb, 75 cm tall, florets purple, on clay loamy soil, 25.6.1970, M. Qaiser & A. Ghafoor 2074 (KUH); Shalozan,, Parachinar, erect 20 cm tall, fls. Purple, S. Nazimuddin & S. Abedin 1139 (KUH); along water canal, Utror, Swat, herb, 60 cm tall, florets purple, on gravel soil, 29.7.1971, S. Abedin 8444 (KUH); Dir, Civil Rest House, Dir, erect, 50-60 cm tall, florets purple, 21.7.1976, M. Qaiser & A. Ghafoor, 6466 (KUH); Kalam, herb, florets purple, 29.7.1969, S. A. Farooqi 61 (KUH); Kalabagh, 2 miles from Nathia gulley on way to Abbottabad, herb, 50 cm tall, florets pink, on rocky soil, 13.7.1971, S. Abedin 7681 (KUH); Swat Dist.: Swat, Kalam, 7000 ft.,24.8.1953, A.Rehman 91 (MICH, RAW); Inter Mingora 33˚47ˊ N, 72˚ 22ˊ E, et Khawazakhella,  850 – 950 m, 2. 6. 1965 K.H. Rechinger 30533 (M, GZU); Kalam Swat, herb, florets purple, 1 ft. tall, 7000 ft., 24.8.1969, Saida Qureshi 95 (KUH); Hazara Dist.: Kawai, erect, 75 cm tall, florets purple, 8.7.1977, Kamal Akhtar & M. Qaiser 217 (KUH); Hazara Dist.: Naran − Batakundi Road, ± 8000 ft., herb erect, prickly, heads violet, 11. 7. 1975, Iqbal Dar, Anjum Amin, M. Arif & Sarfaraz Khan 827 (ISL & A); NW Himalayas, Kaghan Valley, 8400 ft., 23.7.1896, Inayat and Duthie 19692a (K); Hazara, 18. 05.1896, J. F. Duthie s.n. (K); Bhonja ka Katha, Kagan, 13.05.1896, J. F. Duthie 19692b (K); Between Mingora and Marghzar, perennial stem, flowers deep purple, 4.4.1984, M. Qaiser & A. Ghafoor 7401 (KUH).


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Erect, 40− 150 cm tall, perennial or biennial(?), simple or branched herb. Stem arcuately ascending,  ridged and furrowed, glabrous or slightly and softly cobwebby hairy, interruptedly winged, wings pinnatifid, lobes  semiorbicular to triangular with strong, thin spines on margins and apices. Leaves variable, sessile, glabrous, green  and thinly arachnoid hairy above, densely  or sometimes moderately to sparsely greyish−white, crisped  hairy beneath with  septate and non−septate hairs, margin spiny; basal leaves lanceolate to oblong−lanceolate, (8−) 10 –  25 (−30 ) cm long,  3 – 15 cm wide, deeply  irregularly pinnatifid to pinnatisect up to 4/5 of lamina, lobes  obliquely  palmate, lobules lanceolate, bearing yellow, 5 – 8 mm long , pungent, sharp  spines at apices and 1 – 2.5 mm long spines on margins; lower cauline leaves akin to basal but smaller in size, decurrent at base to form wings; middle and upper leaves sessile, 5−8 cm long and 1.5−2 cm broad, lanceolate in outline, uppermost  lanceolate – linear, lobes shortly spined. Capitula usually solitary, rarely laxly fasciculate, (−3) 4.5 – 6 (− 8) cm across, nodding to subnodding, on leafless, densely to sparsely arachnoid hairy peduncles. Involucre hemispherical, basally umbonate or constricted, glabrous to cobwebby hairy. Phyllaries multiseriate, green, thin, arachnoid hairy or glabrescent, outer and middle phyllaries geniculate and constricted, ovate–lanceolate, 8–12 (–15) mm long, 1.5–2.5 (–3) mm wide, reflexed or divergent, middle nerve faint to prominent, apically attenuate into thin, sharp patent to recurved spines, inner phyllaries membranaceous, erect or reflexed, lanceolate–linear, 18–20 (–22) mm long, 1.5–2 mm wide, erect or reflexed apically with or without sharp spine.  Corolla purple to light purple or white, 18 – 20 (−22) mm long, tube narrow, 9 – 12 mm long, limb linear, 9 – 10 mm long, with 3 – 5 mm long lobes. Cypselas olive – pale brown, oblanceolate–elliptic 3–5 mm long, with 9–10 longitudinal brown–pale ribs, not compressed, apical rim present, umbo distinct, rugose. Pappus (11–) 14–18 mm long, white–dull white, deciduous as a whole, attached with cupule.

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