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Published In: Species Plantarum 2: 820. 1753. (1 May 1753) (Sp. Pl.) Name publication detailView in BotanicusView in Biodiversity Heritage Library

Project Name Data (Last Modified On 5/16/2022)
Acceptance : Accepted

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Annual to perennial, erect herbs with spiny winged stems and shoots, formed by decurrent leaf bases. Leaves alternate, often decurrent, basal rosulate, pinnatilobed−pinnately parted or pinnatesect, mostly spinose−dentate or serrate, hairy to glabrous. Capitula  homogamous, long peduncled or subsessile, globose, oblong or hemispherical, campanulate, cylindrical or ovoid, solitary at the shoot apices, corymbose or in clusters, discoid. Receptacle flat to convex, densely bristly. Involucre multiseriate, imbricate,  more or less flat or convex outside, adpressed, patent or reflexed, sometimes geniculately constricted in the mid region. Outer and median phyllaries long spinose acuminate, rarely muticous, ± scarious−margined, glabrous to arachnoid hairy, innermost membranous, acute or obtuse, usually not spinose, fimbriate−toothed. Florets few (10−15) or more (−100), bisexual, actinomorphic or  zygomorphic, red, purple, or pink, rarely pale white. Corolla tube slender, limb unequally or equally 5−lobed, with one lobe separated by deeper slit (± longer than the others). Anthers sagittate, with entire or lacerate basal appendages; filaments free and pilose in middle. Cypselas obovoid−oblong, ±  terete,  glabrous, smooth, olive−grayish, bright−or dark brown, with or without longitudinal striations, rimmed at apices, usually with an apical, indistinctly 5−lobed, small caruncle and basal hilum. Pappus multiseriate, bristles unequal, scabrous, smooth to serrulate, basally united into a ring, deciduous as a whole.

A medium sized genus, comprising nearly 90 species, distributed in Mediterranean region extending to Central Asia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India and China; introduced in America and Australia. Represented in Pakistan by 8 species.


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Capitula nodding-subnodding.  Involucre globose (hemispherical) 3.5-8 cm wide. Florets 80 or > 100.


1. C. edelbergii


Capitula erect, not nodding. Involucre subglobose − broadly campanulate, cylindrical, oblong, obovate, ovoid, (1−) 1.5−3 cm (− 3.5) wide. Florets < 80.






Involucre almost as wide as long, subglobose to broadly campanulate. Corolla limb oblique with unequal lobes at the base.






Involucre longer than wide, oblong, narrowly campanulate, cylindrical, ovoid-infurndibuliform. Corolla limb not oblique, with equal lobes at the base and apex.







Stem wing present up to the base of capitula, wings deeply dissected, lobes ± semiorbicular and large below the capitulum. Capitula usually 3 in clusters, rarely solitary.




4. C. kumaunensis


Stem wing not reaching up to the base of capitula, wings not deeply dissected, lobes triangular − lanceolate. Capitula usually solitary.




7. C. acanthoides



Capitula solitary on long, naked and wingless peduncles. Pappus 7−9 mm long.



8. C. argentatus


Capitula not solitary, mostly in clusters of 2−4 (−10) on short peduncles or sessile. Pappus 10−16 mm long.






Stem wings reaching up to the base of capitulum. Leaf lobes 6−10 pairs. Capitula in compact clusters of 3−10. Outer phyllaries ovate−lanceolate, glabrous−sparsely arachnoid hairy.




5. C. tenuiflorus


Stem wings, not reaching up to the base of capitulum. Leaf lobes 2−5 pairs. Capitula in clusters of 2−4 or rarel y solitary. Outer phyllaries linear − subulate, sparsely − densely arachnoid hairy.








Leaves discolorous, stiff or coriaceous. Involucre ovoid−infundibuliform, phyllaries stiff.




6. C. crispus


Leaves concolorous, neither stiff nor coriaceous. Involucre oblong, cylindrical – narrowly campanulate, phyllaries not stiff.






Innermost phyllaries wider than the outer and middle ones, purplish tinged, obtuse. Corolla 10−12 mm long. Pappus almost equalling corolla.




3. C. arabicus


Innermost phyllaries not wider than the outer and middle ones, not purplish tinged, acuminate. Corolla 11-17 mm long. Pappus shorter than corolla.



2. C. pycnocephalus

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