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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 7/25/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 7/25/2013)
Species Aphelandra sinclairiana Nees
PlaceOfPublication Benth., Bot. Voy. Sulphur, 146, pl. 47. 1844.
Note TYPE: Panama, Isthmus of Panama, Sinclair (K, not seen).
Description Shrubs or small trees to 6 m high; younger stems terete to subquadrangular at terminus, velutinous. Leaves narrowly elliptic to near oblanceolate, to 37.5 cm long and 10 cm wide, apically acuminate, basally attenuate, sparingly pilose above except at the costa, pilose beneath, the margins entire to shallowly crenate; petioles 1-2 cm long, pilose. Inflorescences borne in terminal and subterminal spikes in clusters of up to 10 spikes, spikes to 15 cm long and 2 cm wide, the rachis hispid to wooly; bracts orange red, densely imbricate, obovate rhombic, to 20 mm long, 15 mm wide, the apex of the lowermost bracts acuminate and the upper bracts obtuse, 5 or 6 prominent dorsal nerves branching toward the apex of the bract, velutinous dorsally and puberulous ventrally, with two clusters of elliptic glands toward the margins at about the middle of the dorsal surface, the glands ca. 0.5 mm long and 0.4 mm wide, 4-10 glands per cluster, the margins of the bracts entire; bracteoles lanceolate, to 7.5 mm long and 3 mm wide, striate, partially keeled toward the apex, tomentose outside, puberulous inside. Flowers falling away at maturity when the bracts are expanded; calyx 5-merous, all segments separate to base, lanceolate, the posterior segment to 9 mm long and 3 mm wide, the remaining segments to 9 mm long and 2 mm wide, puberulous outside and glabrous inside, striate; corolla purplish red, bilabiate, puberulous inside and outside, the tube funnelform, to 4.5 cm long, 3.5 mm wide at base, 6.5 mm wide at mouth, the upper lip erect, to 17 mm long, 9 mm wide, 2-lobed, the lobes acuminate and keeled at the apex, to 7.5 mm long, the lower lip spread- ing, the middle lobe lanceolate, keeled, to 25 mm long, 8 mm wide, the lateral lobes triangular, attached on one side to the upper lips, acute, the free portion to 1.3 mm long and 1.5 mm wide; stamens exserted to just below the tips of the upper lip and enclosed by it. Capsules clavate, to 1.8 cm long and 6 mm broad distally, 3 mm broad at the base, puberulent, obtuse at the apex; seeds 4, puberu- lent, flattened, ca. 3.5 mm in diameter.
Habit Shrubs or small trees
Note This species is found in moist, open areas of rain forest and in low, wet areas of low growth
Distribution Costa Rica and Panama.
Specimen BOCAS DEL TORO: Hillside above Almirante, Gentry 2684 (MO). Quebrada Huron, 300- 400 ft, Kirkbride & Duke 422 (MO). Changuinola to 5 mi S at junction of Rios Changuinola and Terebe, 100-200 ft, Lewis et al. 803 (MO). Chiriqui Lagoon, Wedel 762, 1012, 1083 (all MO). Garay Creek, Chiriqui Lagoon, Wedel 2636 (MO). Water Valley, Wedel 973 (MO). CANAL ZONE: Atlantic side along Transisthmian Highway, Blum & Dwyer 2137 (MO). W end of Gatuin Lake Dam, Blum & Tyson 1975 (MO). Road between Gatuin and Ft. Sherman, Burch et al. 1016 (MO). Barro Colorado Island, Croat 4650, 5157, 7297, 7760, 7836, 8574, 8624, 9441 (all MO). Roadside Madden Forest Road 1, Croat 8952 (MO). Road C-16, NW of Pedro Miguel, Croat 12262 (MO). Road S-10, N of Escobal, Croat 12443 (MO). Pipe- line Road 10 mi NW of gate, Croat 12776 (MO). Forest at N edge of Summit Garden, Croat 13129 (MO). W arm of Quebrada Salamanca, 70 mn, Dodge et al. 16996 (MO). Road K 5- 17, Duke 8968 (MO). Las Cruces Trail, Dwyer 1958 (MO). France Field, Dwyer 8542 (MO). Ft. San Lorenzo, Ebinger 470 (MO). Chagres, Fendler 209 (MO). Madden Forest Preserve, Lewis et al. 5334 (MO). Military Reserve, Ft. Sherman, Road S-1 between Gatu'n and Piia, 0-170 m, Liesner 1357 (MO). Pipeline Road, N of Gamboa, Luteyn & Foster 1539 (DUKE). Navy Reservation N of Gamboa, Maas & Dressler 711 (MO). Road from Ft. Sherman to Ft. San Lorenzo, Porter et al. 4991 (MO). Barro Colorado Island, Shattuck 372, 760 (both MO). Road K-15 near Huile on the hills around Gatu'n Lake, Smith et al. 3278 (MO). 6 mi N of Gamboa, Tyson 3501 (MO). Barro Colorado Island, Wetmore & Abbe 2 (MO). Pipeline Road NW of Gamboa ca. 6 mi, Wilbur & Teeri 13365 (DUKE). Pipeline Road N of Gamboa, Wilbur & Weaver 11255 (DUKE). Barro Colorado Island, Woodworth & Vestal 364 (MO). CHlRIQUI: San Bartolo Limite near Costa Rican border, 12 mi W of Puerto Armuelles, 400- 500 m, Croat 22194 (DUKE). Ca. 2 mi S of Puerto Armuelles, Wilbur et al. 13583 (DUKE). COCLE: Lower Rio Anton, El Valle, Allen 125 (MO). Rio Indio Trail, El Valle de Anton, 500-700 m, Hunter & Allen 358 (MO). El Valle de Anton, 1000-2000 ft, Lewis et al. 2614 (MO). COLON: Juan Mina Plantation, Rio Chagres, region above Gamboa, 25 m, Allen 4138 (MO). Portobelo, Chan 53 (MO). Ca. 0.5 km from the Rio Buenaventura, near Portobelo, Kennedy,& Gra 2239 (MO). PANAMA': Nuevo Emperador, Carrasco 28 (MO). Cerro Jefe, Duke 9394 (MO). Capira, trail between Lidice and Aguacate, 300 m, Foster 2140 (DUKE). Tributary of Rio Chagres, 5 mi SW of Cerro Brewster, ca. 1000 ft, Lewis et al. 3386 (DUKE, MO). SE side of Madden Lake near the Puente Natural, 90 m, Nee & Hansen 14047 (DUKE, MO). PROVINCE UNKNOWN: Duke 6148 (MO).
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