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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 7/24/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 7/24/2013)
Species Pernettya coriacea Klotzsch
PlaceOfPublication Linnaea 24: 85. 1851
Note TYPE: Costa Rica, Warscewicz (B, holotype, not seen).
Synonym Pernettya setigera Klotzsch, Linnaea 24: 85. 1851. TYPE: Costa Rica; "Vulcan Carthago" [Irazui], Warscewicz (B, holotype, not seen). Pernettya ciliaris var. alpina Donnell Smith, Bot. Gaz. (Crawfordsville) 25: 148. 1898. TYPE: Costa Rica; Cerro de la Muerte, 3100 m, Pittier (Costa Rican herb. no. 10543) (US, holotype). Gaultheria alpina (Donnell Smith) Sleumer, Notizblatt Bot. Gart. Berlin-Dahlem 13:207. 1936.
Description Shrubs erect, bushy, (0.1-)0.2-1.2(-3) m tall; branches moderately to densely short puberulous, moderately or densely strigose or setose on the younger growth but sometimes estrigillose or nonsetose. Leaves alternate, persistent, usually with the internodes shorter than the leaves and the leaves strongly over- lapping, (6-) 12-20 (-25) mm long, (3-) 5-8 (-12) mm wide, coriaceous, nar- rowly to broadly elliptic or oblong elliptic, glabrous above, beneath glabrous to variably strigillose with short trichomes usually restricted to the midvein but occasionally uniformly dispersed across the surface; margins minutely crenulate serrulate with 6-10 or more teeth on each side, thickened and drying somewhat revolute; petioles mostly 1-4 mm long. Racemes axillary, usually puberulous and often with strigillose trichomes, the bractlets usually several, ovate, oblong to lanceolate, appressed, persistent, 1-3 mm long; pedicels (1-) 4-10 (-12) mm long. Flowers with the calyx persistent, the tube 0.5-1 mm long, the lobes lance ovate to lanceolate, 2-3 mm long, acute, minutely puberulous ciliate and occasionally glandular denticulate, externally often minutely and inconspicuously puberulous especially apically; corolla urceolate, white to lightly roseate tinged, mostly (3.5-)5-7 mm long including the lobes, the lobes erect to reflexed, 0.8-
Habit Shrubs
Description 1.2 mm long, stamens 10, less than 2/%i as long as the corolla, the filaments minutely granular but glabrous, ca. 2 mm long, dilated, ca. 0.5 mm wide basally, ca. 0.1 mm wide above, the anthers oblong, reddish brown, ca. 1 mm long, dehiscing by a terminal cleft, each sac terminated by 2 slender, straight awns ca. 0.3 mm long; stigma ca. 0.3 mm in diameter glabrous, little wider than the persistent, glabrous style, the style (1.5)2-2.5 mm long, the ovary globose to subglobose, glabrous to densely short pubescent, ca. 1.5 mm in diameter. Berry dark blackish purple, 8-10 mm in diameter, glabrous to densely spreading short pubescent; seeds numerous, compressed, angulate, golden, 0.4-0.6 mm long, the surface shallowly and irregularly reticulate with elongate depressions.
Note The traditional taxonomic treatment of the polymorphic, highly variable complex to which this species belongs recognized at least one species, P. ciliata (Schlect. & Cham.) Small, from Mexico and perhaps Guatemala, a second spe- cies, P. coriacea Klotzsch, from Costa Rica and western Panama, and a third species, the highly variable P. prostrata (Cav.) DC., from the South Ameri- can Andes. This third species is sometimes attributed also to the higher peaks of the Costa Rican Talamancas. Additional taxa have also been proposed: Camp (1939) recognized six species from Mexico; Standley and Williams (1966) ac- cepted two species for Guatemala and thought there might well be a third. Standley (1938) recognized only one species from Costa Rica in spite of Sleumer's (1935) inclusion, the otherwise South American P. prostrata var. purpurea. Sleumer was able to separate P. ciliata from P. prostrata in his key only by geography, admitting that the two species can scarcely be differentiated mor- phologically. Sleumer provided no descriptions to indicate what tendencies he felt differentiated the two supposed species. Within the extensive range of this variable complex there is much variation in such features as habit, leaf shape, pubescence of leaves, stems and ovaries as well as in the shape and dimensions of the flowers. The resolution of this small but knotty problem will depend upon intensive field study throughout the range of the complex; for the moment we revert to the traditional treatment of the Panamanian representatives.
Specimen CHIRIQUI: Llanos on slopes of Volcan de Chiriqui along Rio Chiriqui Viejo, 1200 m, Allen 1006 (F, GH, MO, NY, US), 1300 m, Allen 1547 (GH, MO, NY, US). N forested face of Cerro Copete, an E spur of Chiriqui Volcano, 8000-8500 ft, Allen 4870 (MO, US). Sum- mit and SW face of Cerro Copete, 9000 ft, Allen 4898 (MO, US). Llano del Volcaln, Allen & Fairchild 3459 (GH, NY, US). Camino a Cerro Punta cerca de 5 kms NW del Hato de Vol- can, Correa 1379 (DUKE, MO). Volcaln Baru', 1 mi from Summit on upper E slopes, 3000 m, Croat 34916 (MO). Summit of El Baru, 3225-3447 m, Croat 34928 (MO). Lava flow between El Hato and Bambito, D'Arcy 10042 (DUKE, MO). Peak between Barui and Res- pinga, ca. 3000 m, D'Arcy 10094 (DUKE, MO). Potrero Muleto to summit of El Baru', D'Arcy 10158 (DUKE, MO), D'Arcy 10172 (MO). 11 km WNW of Boquete, ridges looking down on Potrero Muleto, Davidse & D'Arcy 10237 (DUKE, MO, NY). Lava flow 3 km NE of El Hato del Volcan at base of Volca'n de Chiriqui, 1500-1800 m, Davidse & D'Arcy 10334 (DUKE, MO, NY). Potrero Muleto, Volca'n de Chiriqui, 10400 ft, Davidson 1012 (A, F, MO). Lava fields near town of Volca'n, 4600 ft, Duke 9221 (MO, US). Llanos between El Hato and Cerro Punta, Ebinger 794 (MO, US). Lava flow 0.5 mi S of Bambito, Lazor 2716 (FSU, SCZ). Open grassland on lava fan 3 mi E of El Volcaln, 4500 ft, Little 6072 (F, US). Llanos of lava outside El Hato del Volcaln on road to Cerro Punta, 6000 ft, Luteyn 3052 (DUKE, MO). Summit of Chiriqui Volcano, 3025-3374 m, Maxon 5348 (NY). W slopes of Volcaln de Chiriqui, 1500 m, Mori & Kallunki 5690 (DUKE, MO). Savanna 1 mi S of Bambito, Partch 69-25 (MO). Around El Potrero Camp, Chiriqui Volcano, 2800-3000 m, Pittier 3078 (GH). Llanos del Volca'n, 1120-1200 m, Seibert 322 (A). Peak of Volcaln de Chiriqui, 11500 ft, Terry 1296 (F). Peak, Volcaln de Chiriqui, 11900 ft, Terry 1334 (A, F). Windswept canyon, 8 mi NE El Volca'n, 8100-8400 ft, Tyson 835 (FSU, MO). 3 mi N of El Volca'n on old lava flow, 5000 ft, Tyson 5736 (FSU, MO, SCZ). W slope of El Baru', 6000-7000 ft, Tyson & Loftin 5947 (DUKE, FSU). Top of El Barui above 11000 ft, Tyson & Loftin 6164, 6165 (both DUKE, FSU); Tyson & Loftin 6176 (DUKE, FSU). Cerro Pando, valley of the upper Rio Chiriqui Viejo, White 17 (MO). Valley of Rio Chiriqui Viejo on llanos near Bambito, White 45 (NY). Lava flow NE of El Hato del Volca'n near Aguacate, 1800-1900 m, Wilbur et al. 10972 (DUKE, MO, NY, US). Lava field 5 mi NE of El Hato del Volca'n, Wilbur et al. 11864 (DUKE, NY, US). Lava flow between Volca'n de Chiriqui and Cerro Aguacate, 6500-7200 ft, Wilbur & Teeri 13334 (DUKE). Four m NE of El Hato del Volcan, 1950 m, Wilbur et al. 15415 (DUKE). Lava field 3 km S of Bambito and 4.2 km N of El Hato del Volcan, 1400-1600 m, Wilbur & Luteyn 19421 (DUKE). Potrero Muleto to summit, Volca'n de Chiriqui, 3500-4000 m, Woodson & Schery 380, 436 (both GH, MO, NY). Loma Larga to summit, Volcan de Chiriqui, 2500-3380 m, Woodson et al. 1046, 1093 (both A, MO, NA, NY).
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