(Last Modified On 3/22/2013)
(Last Modified On 3/22/2013)
Spondias mombin L., Sp. P1. 371, 1753.-Fig. 5(A-D).
Spondias lutea L., Sp. PI. ed. 2, 613, 1762. Spondias lubea var. maxima Engler in Martius, Fl. Bras. 12(2): 374, 1876. Spondias lutea var. glabra Engler in Martius, loc. cit. Spondias radikoferi J. D. Sm., Bot. Gaz. 16: 194, 1891. Spondias nigrescens Pittier, Contr. U.S. Nat. Herb. 18: 75, 1914.
Tree 6-27 m high with smooth or furrowed bark, the trunk straight. Leaves with 3-15 pairs of leaflets, the proximal leaflets alternate and the distal ? opposite, the rachis 7-35 cm long; lamina of leaflets oblong to somewhat ovate or obovate, apically acuminate or less frequently acute, basally acute to broadly obtuse, oblique and assymetric at the base, 5.5-14 cm long, 2-6.5 cm broad, membranous or sub- coriaceous, glabrous or short-pilose on the nerves and along the margins; petiolules 2-7(-12) mm long (not including the petiolule of the terminal leaflet which is often longer). Panicles terminal, 15-40 cm long, minutely hirsutulous. Flowers cc, I, 5-merous, the articulated pedicels 1.5-5 mm long; calyx-segments scale-like, ca 0.5 mm long, deltoid or deltoid-ovate; petals oblong-lanceolate or elliptic- lanceolate, apically uncinate, 2-3.5 mm long, spreading to reflexed, white or yellow; stamens 10, subequal, slightly shorter than the petals, the anthers ca 1 mm long, slightly curved, oblong-quadrate, relatively massive; disc strongly crenate (annular but virtually divided into 10 separate cushions); styles 5, more or less linear, virtually uncon- stricted at the beginning of the stigmatic portion, glabrous, ca 1 mm long. Drupes ovoid to obovoid or oblong, 1.5-4 cm long, 1-2.5 cm broad, yellow.
Southern Mexico, Central America, the West Indies and tropical South America; introduced and naturalized in tropical Africa.
BOCAS DEL TORO: Changuinola Valley, Dunlap 504 (F), Cooper & Slater 101 (US); Chiriqui Lagoon region, Chiriquicito, vie of Guarumo River, Seibert 1555 (US). CANAL ZONE: Victoria Fill, nr Miraflores Locks, Aller. 1762 (F, MO, US); Barro Colorado I, Carpenter 52 (F), Dwyer 1458 (MO), Kenoyer 420 (US), Shattuck 82 (F, MO), Starry 107 (F), Wilson 113 (F), Zetek 3414 (F), 3584 (F), 3611 (F, MO), 3645 (F, US), 3854 (MO); New Frijoles, Christopherson 135 (US); U.S. Army Tropic Test Center, Miraflores Bridge, Dwyer & Robyns 3 (MO); Albrook, U.S. Army Tropic Test Center Site, Dwyer & Robyns 61 (MO); Chagres, Fendler 141 (F, MO, US); around Bohio, Pittier 3423 (US); Summit, Standley 26969 (US); along the Las Cruces Trail, betw Fort Clayton & Corozal, Standley 29140 (US); Obispo, Standliey 31792 (US); Balboa, Standley 32102 (US); vie of Mira- flores Locks, edge of lake' below spillway of Miraflores Dam, Stern et al. 1 (MO); Mira-' flares Lake nr water plant, Tyson 3553 (MO); Curundu Survival School Area, Tyson & Dwyer 4457 (MO). CHIRIQUI: Progreso, Cooper & Slater 207 *(F, US). COCLE: betw Aguadulce & Anton, Woodson et al. 1206 (F, MO). COLON: betw France Field, Canal Zone & Catival, Standley 30401 (US). DARIEN: trail betw Pinogana & Yavisa, Allen 272 (F, MO). PANAMA: Pedro Gonzalez I, Allen 2598 (MO); San Jose I, Erlanson 286 (US), 596 (US), Johnston 746 (US); nr Chepo, Kluge 34 (US); Trapiche I, Miller 1877 (US), 1903 (US); Juan Diaz, Standley 30464 (US); El Cermefio, Zetek Z-4998 (F).
Spondias mombin is regarded in this treatment as a polymorphic species. Examination of collections of S. nigrescens and S. radlkoferi, deposited at three major herbaria (F, MO, US), as well as the types of these species, indicated that they are forms of the highly variable S. mombin. The fruit of this species is edible but is of inferior quality and is eaten less frequently than that of S. purpurea. The trees are sometimes used as living fence- posts.
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