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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 3/6/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 3/6/2013)
PlaceOfPublication Jour. Linn. Soc., Bot. 4 (Suppil.): 94. 1860.
Synonym Lonchocarpus stenurus Pittier, Bol. Minist. Relac. Exter. Venez. 8-9: 102. 1927.
Description Tree 4-12 m. high. Leaves 7- to 13-foliollate, appearing with the flowers; leaflets ovate-oblong or slightly obovate, 3-9 cm. long, 2-4 cm. wide, rounded or tapering at the base, obtuse or subacute at the apex, at length coriaceous, glabrous and often lustrous above, more or less rufous-tomentose beneath. Racemes axillary, 10-14 cm. long. Flowers with the calyx turbinate-campanulate 5 mm. long, cinereous-strigose, the teeth obsolete; petals pinkish-purple; vexillum orbicular, 11-12 mm. long, atten- uate at the base, sparsely pubescent within; wing petals oblong, subfalcate, auricu- late, the claw 5 mm. long, the blade about 9 mm. long, glabrous or sparsely pilulose without; staminal tube narrowly fenestrate; anthers sparsely setulous at the base. Legumes subsessile or short-stipitate, flattened, elliptic, about 8 cm. long, 2.5 cm. wide, coriaceous, 1 (rarely 2-4)-seeded, appressed-sericeous.
Habit Tree
Distribution Panama and Venezuela; not previously reported from Central America.
Specimen BOCAS DEL TORO: Island Potrero, Changuinola Valley, Dunlap 347.
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