Alysicarpus vaginalis
Belsky - 374 - Kenya
Bidgood - 5882 - Tanzania
Claessens - sn - Democratic Republic of the Congo
Daniel - 172 - Brazil
de Wilde - 286 - São Tomé and Príncipe
Deighton - 2060 - Sierra Leone
Dodson - 11968 - Ecuador
Etkin - 1 - Nigeria
FLAMIGNI - 10571 - Democratic Republic of the Congo
Gómez - 2033 - Mozambique
Hiepko - 184 - Togo
Houngnon - 7053 - Benin
Johnson - 3633-85 - Venezuela
Katende - K2020 - Uganda
Kotschy - 27 - Sudan
Krapovickas - 43075 - Brazil
Lewis - 11837 - Peru
Louis - 47 - Gabon
Moss - 11857 - Mozambique
Moura - 474 - Mozambique
Plaizier - 1284 - Kenya
Rajaonary - 134 - Madagascar
Reitsma - 3353 - Gabon
Rwaburindore - 2003 - Uganda
Rwaburindore - 3581 - Uganda
Rwaburindore - 5491 - Uganda
Schäfer - 8611 - Togo
Simpson - 7123 - South Sudan
Stevens - 27493 - Nicaragua
Stevens - 27591 - Nicaragua
Stevens - 45130 - Nicaragua
Trujillo - 2444 - Venezuela
White - LJTW0858 - Gabon
White - LTJW0481 - Gabon
Wild - 5871 - Mozambique
Wilks - 2319 - Gabon
Zamora Villalobos - 9995 - Costa Rica