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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 9/26/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 9/26/2013)
Species Desmodium barbatum (L.) Benth.
PlaceOfPublication Miq., P1. Jungh. 224. 1852;
Synonym Hedysarum barbatum L., Syst. Nat., ed. 10. 1170. 1759. TYPE: herb. Linnaeus (LINN 921.48; microfiche A-GH). Perrottetia barbata (L.) DC., Ann. Sci. Nat. 4: 96. 1825. Nicolsonia barbata (L.) DC., Mem. Legum. 313. 1826. Urania barbata (L.) Desv., Mem. Soc. Linn. Paris 4: 309. 1826. Meibomia barbata (L.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PI. 1: 195. 1891.
Description Herbs, prostrate to ascending or erect with white to fulvous appressed to spreading pilosity on stems, branches, petioles, and rachis of the inflorescence. Leaves usually trifoliolate, stipulate, petiolate; stipules conspicuous and persis- tent, deltoid attenuate, slightly auriculate at the base, striate and ciliate, some- what pilose to glabrescent on abaxial surface, 6-10 mm; petioles sulcate on adax- ial surface, 0.8-2.2 cm long, the leaf rachis similar, 0.2-0.7 cm long; stipels slender, ciliate, persistent, 1.5-4.5 mm; petiolules somewhat stouter and more densely pilose than leaf rachis, 1-2 mm long; leaflets almost orbicular to oval, elliptic obtuse or obovate, usually mucronate, often retuse, sparsely appressed pilose adaxially, densely so and with venation prominent abaxially, terminal leaf- lets 1.4-5 cm long, 0.5-2 cm wide, the lateral leaflets 1-3.8 cm long, 0.4-1.3 cm wide. Inflorescence of axillary and terminal short, congested, densely flowered racemes somewhat obscured by the long pubescence of bracts and calyces; bracts long persistent, ovate acuminate, striate, pilose to glabrescent on abaxial surface, ciliate, 5-7 mm long, 1.5-2 mm wide, secondary bracts lacking; pedicels uncin- ulate pilosulous, 3.5-9 mm long. Flowers with the calyx becoming reflexed, sub- equally 5-lobed, silky pilose, the lobes ciliate, 4-6 mm long; standard obovate, somewhat unguiculate, 4-5 mm long, 2-3.7 mm wide, the wings oblong, obtuse, short unguiculate, 3-4 mm long, 1-1.5 mm wide, the keel petals scythe shaped, truncate at the apex, long unguiculate, 3-4.5 mm long, 0.8-1 mm wide at the apex. Loment 1-5-articulate, straight on the dorsal suture, somewhat curved below between the wide isthmi, uncinulate pubescent on the surfaces; articles separating partially first, the lower suture dehiscing later, the articles 2-3.5 mm long, 2-2.5 mm wide; seed subquadrate to quadrate, 1.5 mm long, 1 mm wide, pale tan.
Habit Herbs
Distribution A polymorphic species widespread in tropical areas of the New World and in Africa and Asia.
Note Many variations have been named but, in general the characters cannot be correlated with geographical distribution. In Panama there seem to be two forms, one repent and one erect, but there are many intergradations between the two extremes.
Specimen BOCAS DEL TORO: Almirante, Rowlee & Stork 1000 (NY, US). Chiriqui Lagoon, Wedel 1179 (GH, MO, US). Johns Creek, Wedel 2758 (GH, MO, NY, US). CANAL ZONE: 1 mi from Miraflores, Blum 1853 (FSU, SCZ). Summit Gardens, Bottimer 1507 (DAO). Venado Beach, Correa & Gonzalez 507 (A, DUKE, SCZ); Correa & Gonzalez 524 (DUKE, FSU, MO). Near Summit Golf Course, Croat 12792 (MO). 1 mi N of Summit Garden, Croat 12891 (MO). Pipeline Road to 18 km N of Gamboa, D'Arcy (MO). Toro Point, Ft. Sherman, Duke 4323 (MO). Paraiso, Dwyer 7163 (MO). Fort Sherman, Dwyer 7167 (MO). Chagres, Fendler 76 (K, MO, US). Pipeline Road, 2-4 mi N of Gamboa, Gentry 6536 (GH, MO). Empire Station, Hayes 585 (K). Paraiso Station, Hayes 799 (NY). Cerro Anc6n, Heriberto 129 (GH, US). 8 mi N of Gamboa on Pipeline Road, Lazor 5276 (SCZ). l/2 mi N of Gamboa, Lazor & Tyson 5661, 5684 (both MO). 3 km S. Gualaca, McCorkle C-46 (FSU, SCZ). Near Gamboa Country Club, Mori 413 (MO). Anc6n Hill, Piper 5116 (US). Culebra, 50-150 m, Pittier 2142 (BM, C, NY, US), 4827 (NY, US). Seemann 229 (BM, K), [Province uncertain]. Sosa Hill, Balboa, Stan- dley 25273 (MO, US). Anc6n Hill, Standley 26354 (C, US). Summit, Standley 26948 (US). Frijoles, Standley 27658 (US). Mt. Hope Cemetery, Standley 28788 (US). Cerro Azul, 2000 ft, Tyson 2128 (MO). Curundu, Tyson & Blum 2523 (FSU, MO). 1 mi from Summit on road to FAA radar tower, Tyson et al. 2771 (MO, SCZ). CHIRIQuf: Near Veladero, site 60, 0-100 m Burt & Koster 125 (MO). Savanna just below Boquete, 800 m, D'Arcy 9769 MO). Lava fields near town of Volcdn, 4600 ft, Duke 9215 (MO). From Boquete to 3 mi N, 3300-4200 ft, Lewis et al. 602 (GH, MO). Road to Gualaca 0-100 m, Rattray 125 (A). Boquet6 District, Volcancitos, 5500 ft, Terry 1262 (GH, MO). COCUL: S of El Valle de Ant6n, 600-800 m, Allen 2810 (G, GH, MO, US); Bottimer 1473 (A, DAO). Savanna 4- 6 mi E of Natd, 10-25 m, Duke 12388 (NY). Penonom6, Ebinger 995 (GH, MO); 50-1000 ft, Williams 128 (NY, US). COL6N: Portobelo Road ca. 1 mi W of Portobelo, Gentry 1739 (MO, SCZ). DARIEN: El Real, Burch et al. 1069 (GH, MO, UC). HERRERA: Near Ocil, 100-200 m, Burt & Koster 88 (MO). Between Panamerican Highway and Ocui, 100-200 m, Koster 88 (A). PANAMA: Pacora, ca. 35 m, Allen 990 (GH, MO, US). Cerro Campana, D'Arcy 9581, 9602 (both MO). Between Panama and Chepo, Dodge et al. 16701 (MO). Cerro Campana, Duke 5949 (MO). Tocumen area, Dwyer et al. 7231 (GH, MO). Las Sabanas, Heriberto 138 (US). Tumba Muerto, Heriberto 176 (NY). Sabanas near Chepo, 30 m, Hunter & Allen 19 (MO). Chilibre, Jaen 45 (MO). San Jose Island, Johnston 27 (US, MO), 672, 826 (both GH). Taboga Is., 200 m, Killip 3187 (US). Between Tapia and Tocumen Rivers, 75 m, Killip 3239 (US). Cerro Campana, Lewis et al. 3131 (MO). Taboga Island, Longfield 490 (BM, K, MO, US). Cerro Campana, 650-700 m, McDaniel 8138 (FSU). Pacora-Chepo highway, vicinity Pacora River, McDaniel 8179 (DUKE, FSU). El Llano-Carti road, 5 km N of Panamerican Highway, 300 m, Nee 7929 (DUKE, MO). Sabanas, Paul 52 (US). Sabana de Juan Corso, near Chepo, 60-80 m, Pittier 4647 (G, GH, NY, US). Matias Herndndez, Pittier 6873 (GH, NY, US). Nuevo Emperador, Puga 30 (DUKE, MO). Road to Chepo near sea level, Semple Pa-i (US). Big swamp east of Rio Tocumen, Standley 26505 (US). Near Matias Herndndez, Standley 28887 (US). Between Matias Herndndez and Juan Diaz, Standley 32084 (US). Cerro Azul at 2000 ft, Tyson 2128 (FSU, SCZ). W slope Cerro Campana, 2500 ft, Tyson et al. 2347 (FSU, SCZ). Between Pacora and Chepo, 24 m, Woodson et al. 1662 (GH, MO, NY, US). SAN BLAS: Mainland in front of Ustupo, D'Arcy 9497 (MO). Mainland Point opposite Isla Mosquito, Duke 8972 (DUKE, MO, OS). Mainland opposite Playon Chico, 0.3 mi from Caribbean, 0.200 m, Gentry 6341 (MO). VERAGUAS: Divisa/Santiago, 0-100 m Burt & Rattray 77, 81 (both MO). Near La Pefia, 100-200 m alt., Burt & Koster 107 (MO). Savanna 10 mi W of Santiago, Duke 13646 (OS), A13647 MO). Panamerican Highway ?/2 km W of Hwy. 50 turnoff to Ocil., 30 m, Nee 8000 (MO). Above Rio Santa Maria, road to Santiago, 5 km S of Santa Fe, 250-300 m, Nee 8130 (FSU, GH, MO). Near Santiago, 0-100 m, Rattray 81 (A).
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