Published In:
Die Botanischen Ergebnisse der Reise Seiner Königl. Hoheit des Prinzen Waldemar von Preussen 122, pl. 16. 1862. ( Bot. Ergebn. Reise Waldemar)
(Last Modified On 6/2/2011)
(Last Modified On 6/3/2011)
Contributor Text
Fl. Per.: July-August.
Type: Mana, Jaugliq, 11,000', Edgeworth 18(K).
Distribution: N.W. temperate Himalaya, Afghanistan.
Differs from the European and C. Asiatic Geranium pretense in its more or less ascending habit, the angular and smaller leaves, shorter sepal awn and larger petal length (17-20 mm long). The size of the flower is variable. Specimen no. 127 from Sho Nala (Swat) has the facies of Geranium nuristanicum but differs in the glandular pedicels and larger flower parts.
Map Location
Chitral: B-6 Chatibo-gletscher, 4240 mm, A. Stamn & G. Wohrl 108 (W); Lowari, 10590', M.A. Siddiqi & A. Rahman 26797 (RAW); Yarkhun, 10,000', Bowes Lyon 964 (BM); Gilgit: B-8 Minimarg to Burzil Chowki, 9-11,000', R.R. & I.D. Stewart 19853a (RAW); A-8 Barum Bar glacier, c. 40 miles w. of Yasin, 14000', fls. dark blue, Broadhead 15 (E); B-8 Burzil Pass, R.R. & I.D. Stewart Burzil, 11-12000', Duthie 14027 (E); id., R.R. & I.D. Stewart s.n. (RAW); Burzil Chowki, 10-11000', R.R. Stewart 19754 (RAW); B-8 Darkot, 10,000', steep hillside, Bowes Lyon 8068 (RAW); Jutial Nullah, R. R. Stewart 26301 (RAW); A, B-- 8 Naltar 12—13000', R.R. Stewart 26302; 26303 (RAW); id., Duthie 12416 (E); 4 miles NW. of Hopar Village, 13,800', Polunin 6320 (E); A-8 Hopar, 9000', Nagar, R.R. Stewart 2630 (RAW); B-8 above Chorwan, R.R. & I.D. Stewart 19735 (RAW); A-8 Nagar Village, 9800', Polunin 6431 (E); Baltistan: B-9 Hushe Vy., Nasir & G.L. Webster 6060 (RAW); Shagar Thang Vy., 11-12000', Duthie 1246 (E); Biafo glacier, H. Hartmann 947 (RAW); Shoro La, Hartmann 951 (RAW); A-8 Hunza, F. Schmid 1865 (RAW); B-8 Satpura Nullah, R.R. Stewart 20230 (RAW); Burji La, ± 15000', R.R. Stewart 20624 (RAW); Matiyal, Shingo-Shigar, B. Osmaston 95 (K); B-9 Talaca, Thalle La, 13000', in meadow, W. Koelz 9746 (RAW); Kasurmik, 9-10000', R.R. Stewart 20717 (RAW); Thalle La, R.R. Stewart 20663 (RAW); Dras to Matayan, R.R. Stewart 2154 (RAW); A, B- 8 Ulter Nullah, Schmid 1665 (RAW); Balti, 6900-7500', near Skardu, Schlagintweit s.n. (BM); B-7 Swat: Gabral, S.A. Farooqi 10, p.p. (KUH); above Bishigram, 10-11,000', flowers blue purple, R.R. Stewart & A. Rahman 24954 (RAW); above Batain, 28.7.53, RR. Stewart & A. Rahman s.n. (RAW); Sho Nala, 11,000', A. Rahman 127 (RAW); Kalam, S.A. Farooqi 49 (KUH); Hazara Dist.: Saiful-Maluk, Ch. Shaukat Ali s.n. (RAW); Burawai-Besal, A. Ali 13 (RAW); id., MA. Siddiqi 24173 (RAW); Gittidas, Iqbal Dar & Anjum Amin 172 (ISL); Naran-Batakundi, Iqbal Dar Anjum Amin 815 (ISL); Naran, 7800', B.L. Burtt 888 (E); Kashmir: Zoji Pass, 11-12,000', R.R. Stewart 21246 (RAW); Mahantar Gah, 3240-4000 m, F. Schmid 2219 (RAW, G); Chantir Gah, F. Schmid 2173 (RAW); B-8 Bedori, 11000', 16.10.1955, Jan. Mohd. s.n. (RAW); Kamri Pass, 14 July, 1946, R.R. Stewart E. Nasir s.n. (RAW); Gadsar, 11-12,000', R.R. & I. D. Stewart 18320 (RAW); C-5 Waziristan, Pre Ghal, Suliman Mountain, W.R. Hay s.n. (BM).
Perennial. Rhizome stout, oblique. Stem(s) ascending, pubescent-retrorsely hairy. Leaves palmatisect, 5-7-angled, 3-10 cm broad. Segments rhomboid to acute, adpressed hairy or pubescent, lobes acute or obtuse. Stipules 6-9 mm long, subulate-lanceolate. Petiole of radical leaves up to 23 cm long, upper most cauline leaves sessile. Peduncles 2-flowered, 3-14 cm long, glandular hairy, sometimes retrorsely pubescent. Bracts similar to stipules, (0.3-) 0.6-1 cm long, scarious and brown, pubescent. Pedicel 0.9-3 cm long, glandular-hairy or pubescent, deflexed in fruit. Flowers 3-3.5 cm broad. Sepals ovate-lanceolate, 0.8-1 cm long, glandular-pubescent, awn 1.5-2.5 mm long. Petals purple blue, 16-22 mm long, claw ciliate. Filaments gradually narrowed upwards, base ciliate. Mericarps 4 mm long, pubescent glandular. Beak 18-22 mm long, glandular pubescent. Seeds c. 3 mm long, minutely reticulate.