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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 8/5/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 8/5/2013)
Species Achimenes pedunculata Benth.
PlaceOfPublication PI. Hartw. 78. 1841.
Note TYPE: Santa Maria, Guatemala, Hartweg 546 (K, holotype; P, isotype, US, photo).
Synonym Locheria pedunculata (Benth.) Regel, Flora 31: 252. 1848.
Description Herbs; stems erect, 0.4-1.0 m tall, ca. 5 mm in diam., green or reddish to purple especially near the nodes, pilose to glabrate, internodes elongate, to ca. 20 cm long; scaly propagules occasional in leaf axils. Leaves opposite, nearly equal in a pair, ovate or broadly elliptic, 5.5-13.2 cm long, 3.6-9.8 cm wide, cuspidate acuminate at the apex, the base rounded to cordate, often oblique, the margin sharply serrate, dark green and sparsely villous to scabrous above, below light green, puberulent; petioles elongate, 0.5-6.5 cm long, reddish on the upper side, pilose. Inflorescences in the upper leaf axils, cymose or racemose, longer than the subtending leaves; peduncles when present up to 10.5 cm long, sometimes lacking, green to red, pilose; bracts linear, pilose, often bearing scaly propagules in axils; pedicels 1-8 cm long, puberulent. Flowers 1 to several, showy; floral tube 3 mm long, scabrous or puberulous; calyx lobes narrowly triangular to oblong or ovate, 3-6 mm long, green, scabrous puberulous, entire, not ciliate; corolla red, scarlet, orange red, or orange or yellow on the underside, red spotted, the tube short-spurred, oblique in the calyx, gradually ampliate above from the narrow base, 2.5-3.5 cm long, ca. 0.5 cm wide at the base, to ca. 1 cm above, sparsely glandular-pubescent outside, inside yellow, red spotted, the limb regular, the lobes spreading, rounded, entire, red orange or yellow with red lines; stamens included, the filaments curved, adnate to the base of the corolla, pilose; style pilose, the stigma bilobed. Fruits and seeds not seen in Panamai material. Chromosomes 2n = 34 (Fussell, 1958).
Habit Herbs
Note This species is rare in Panama, known from a single collection from Chiriqui province, but otherwise it has been collected from southern Mexico to Colombia. Achimenes pedunculata is distinctive because of its long-pedunculate inflorescences and tall habit.
Distribution from southern Mexico to Colombia.
Specimen CHIRIQUI: Las Lagunas, 12 km SE of Volcan, 1300 m, Dressler 5155 (MO, PMA, US).
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