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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 7/9/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 7/9/2013)
Species Utricularia alpina Jacq
PlaceOfPublication Enum. P1. Carib. 11. 1760.
Synonym Utricularia montana Jacq., Sel. Stirp. Amer. 7, tab. 6. 1763. Based on U. alpina Jacq. Utricularia grandiflora Pers., Syn. P1. 1: 18. 1805, nom. illeg., U. montana Jacq. cited as synonym.
Description Perennial epiphytic herbs; stolons filiform or slightly fleshy, radiating from the base of the inflorescence, several of them swollen at or near the point of origin and elsewhere to form ellipsoid tubers 1.5-2.0 cm long. Photosynthetic organs leaflike, 1-2 from the inflorescence base, 6-25 cm total length; lamina narrowly obovate-elliptic or elliptic, the apex obtuse to subacute, coriaceous, multinerved, the nerves not drying prominent, the base ? strongly decurrent; pseudopetiole usually shorter than the lamina. Traps borne on filiform stolon branches, ovoid, stalked, ca. 1 mm long, the mouth basal, the upper lip with 2 subulate recurved appendages. Inflorescences 10-35 cm long; peduncle 1-2 mm thick, 1-3-flowered; bracts linear-lanceolate, acute or acuminate, 5-7 mm long, the bracteoles similar but usually narrower and slightly shorter, the sterile scales on the peduncle 2-4, similar to the bracts but shorter; pedicels erect, 4-6 times as long as the bract. Flowers with the calyx lobes subequal, ovate, obtuse, basally rounded to sub- cordate, 2-3 cm long, 1.2-2.0 cm wide; corolla usually white with a yellow palate, 4-6 cm long, glabrous or minutely papillose, especially at the spur apex, the upper lip transversely oblong, apically rounded, 2-3 times as wide, as long as or longer than the upper calyx lobe, the lower lip larger, to 5 cm wide, fan shaped, the apex rounded, entire, the palate gibbous, prominent, the spur subulate, acute, curved upwards, about as long as the lower lip. Capsules ovoid, ca. 10 mm long, relatively thick walled, dehiscing by a single abaxial longitudinal slit; seeds numerous, nar- rowly cylindrical-fusiform, 0.35-0.5 mm long.
Habit herbs
Distribution This species occurs in Nicaragua, Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Surinam, and the West Indies.
Note Utricularia alpina is closely allied to U. endresii, U. jamesoniana, U. praeter- missa, and U. unifolia. All these closely allied species are poorly collected in Pan- ama and the material is incomplete. In Panama and Colombia hybridization may occur. This can perhaps be resolved by careful field study. The specimen seen and cited here as U. alpina lacks a corolla and may possibly be U. praetermissa. Utricularia alpina does occur in Nicaragua so its presence in Panama is possible. It is the only species within the group extending into northeastern South America and the West Indies.
Specimen PANAMA: Cerro Jefe, 1000 m, Correa et al. 1626 (MO).
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