Published In:
Flora Pedemontana 1: 131. 1785. ( Fl. Pedem.)
(Last Modified On 6/2/2011)
(Last Modified On 6/3/2011)
Contributor Text
Fl.Per.: May-June
Type: Described from N. Europe, Herb. Linn. 436.2 (LINN), vide R. R. Mill, l.c. 82. 1984.
Distribution: Europe (except Mediterranean region) Russia (W. Siberia, Caucasia) Afghanistan, Pakistan (Chitral, Dir, Swat, Hazara, Gilgit), Kashmir, India, Nepal, Sikkim, Bhutan and China (Gansu, Nei Mongol, Qinghai, Shaanxi, Sichuan, Xizang).
ravine beds in forests, grassy hill tops between 2600-4000 Rhizome is valued as a salep, a strength giving food. Plant is diuretic and contains glucoside of digitalis group (Ambasta et al., loc. cit).
Map Location
A-7 Kashmir, Sind valley, Mohanmarg, 7500 ft, in ravine beds in forest, flowers cream yellow, 7.6.1940, Ludlow & Sherriff 8155 (BM); B-6 Chitral, Lowari Pass, 8000 ft, June-July, S. M. Toppin 402 (K); Lowari Pass, 11000 ft, 21.6.1895, Harriss 16709 (BM); Gujar near Dir, 30.8.1962, Stewart, Nasir & Siddiqi 1366 (RAW); B-7 Nathia, June, 1907, H. Deane s.n. (K); Shogran, Sandoz Farm, c. 9000 ft, perennial herb, beautiful yellow flowers, arising from leaf axils, 18.6.1967, E. Nasir & M. A. Siddiqi 4473 (RAW); Hazara, Kagan valley, 8000 ft, 1.6.1896, Inayat 20223 (K); B-8 Sonamarg 9000 ft, on exposed grassy hill tops, flowers greenish-white, perianth 1/3" long, S. K. Sachdeva 1 (K); Liddar valley, 10000 ft, 7.7.1902, J. R. Drummond 14154 (K); Gilgit, Naltar lake, 12000 ft, 20.7.1954, R. R. Stewart 26318 (BM); Srinagar, Lashpathri, 10,000 ft, 7.7.1978, C. R. Lancaster 210 (BM); Srinagar, Vishensar, 11500 ft, 5.7.1978, C. R. Lancaster 190 (BM); Kashmir, near Smithan Pass, 12000 ft, growing in dwarf Juniper scrub, flowers creamy white, 12000 ft, 1.7.1939, F. Ludlow 165 (BM); Kashmir, Jhelum valley, crust of Pir Panjal above, Tilpatra forest, nr. Pampur, 10000 ft, 7.7.1940, Ludlow & Sherriff 7749 (BM); Kashmir, Gurais valley, 8000 ft, 22.9.1893, J. F. Duthie 14079 (BM); Kashmir, Barzil, 11300 ft, 28.7.1876, C. B. Clarke 29728A (BM); Kashmir,Gorrai, 8000 ft, 21.7.1876, C. B. Clarke 29349C (BM); B-8/9 Ladakh, 6 km from Kanji, 14200 ft, 5.7.1984, A. R. B. & M. A. Rothera 122 (K); C-7 Murree Hills, 8500 ft, June 21, Mrs. Tristram s.n. (BM); C-8 Kashmir, Alibad, 11000 ft, 6.7.1876, C. B. Clarke 28917C (BM).
Rhizomes usually tuber-like terete, rarely moniliform. Stem erect 30-90 cm, angled, glabrous. Leaves in whorls of 3-6-8, occasionally alternate near base of stem, sometimes opposite near apex, subsessile, elliptic to narrowly lanceolate or linear, 6-13.5 x 0.8-1.7 cm, entire, tip acute to acuminate. Inflorescence 1-2 (-4) flowered; peduncle 1-2 cm, bract <1 mm, or absent, pedicel 2.5-4.5 mm; perianth 8-9 mm, pale yellow, contracted in the middle, teeth inside and at the tip hairy. Stamens epipetalous, filaments 0.5-1 (-2) m, papillose. Ovary c. 3 mm, style 2.5-3 mm. Berries red, becoming purple, 6-8 mm in diameter.