Polygonatum verticillatum (L.) All. | Love, A. & D. Love. 1982. In: IOPB chromosome number reports LXXVI. Taxon 31: 583–587. | 82-83 | | 28 |
Polygonatum verticillatum (L.) All. | Pandita, T. K. & P. N. Mehra. 1982. Karyotype analysis of five taxa of Polygonatum. Proc. Indian Acad. Sci., B 48: 255–263. | 82-83 | | 30,60 |
Polygonatum verticillatum (L.) All. | Roy, S. C., S. Ghosh & A. Chatterjee. 1988. A cytological survey of eastern Himalayan plants. II. Cell Chromosome Res. 11: 93–97. | 90-91 | 15 | 30 |
Polygonatum verticillatum (L.) All. | Kiehn, M., E. Vitek, E. Hellmayr, J. Walter, J. Tschenett, C. Justin & M. Mann. 1991. Beiträge zur Flora von Österreich: Chromosomenzählungen. Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien 128: 19–39. | 90-91 | | 28 |
Polygonatum verticillatum (L.) All. | Yang, J., J. w. Wang & M. x. Li. 1992. Cytotaxonomic studies on the genus Polygonatum III. Chromosome numbers and karyotypes of 6 species from China. J. Wuhan Bot. Res. 10: 201–206. | 92-93 | | 54, 58 |
Polygonatum verticillatum (L.) All. | Shao, J. z., D. c. Zhang, J. g. Yang, C. h. Yao & F. Qian. 1993. Karyotype analysis of 5 species of Polygonatum Mill. Acta Phytotax. Sin. 31: 353–361. | 92-93 | | 18, 24 |
Polygonatum verticillatum (L.) All. | Druskovic, B. & M. Lovka. 1995. IOPB chromosome data 9. Int. Organ. Pl. Biosyst. Newslett. (Zurich) 24: 15–19. | 94-95 | | 28 |
Polygonatum verticillatum (L.) All. | Tamura, M. N. 1993. Biosystematic studies on the genus Polygonatum (Liliaceae) III. Morphology of staminal filaments and karyology of eleven Eurasian species. Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 115(1): 1–26. | 94-95 | | 56+1B |
Polygonatum verticillatum (L.) All. | Jav|0urková-Jarolímová, V. 1992. In J. M|3esí|3ccek & V. Jav@0urková-Jarolímová, List of Chromosome Numbers of the Czech Vascular Plants. Academia, Praha. | 96-97 | | 28 |
Polygonatum verticillatum (L.) All. | Pandita, T. K. 1979. Cytological investigations of some monocots of Kashmir. Ph.D. Thesis, Chandigarh 1979. | 79-81 | | 28 |
Polygonatum verticillatum (L.) All. | Baltisberger, M., D. Dähler & S. Horat. 2002. Karyologische Untersuchungen an den schweizerischen Arten der Gattung Polygonatum. Bot. Helv. 112(2): 91–101. | 01-03 | | 28 |