Bunchosia nitida (Jacq.) DC., Prodr. 1: 582. 1824; Malpighia nitida Jacq.; B. cornifolia Kunth.
Shrubs, or usually small trees, 2—10 m, occasionally larger to 20 m, young branchlets usually without lenticels (non-distal flower-bearing branchlets lenticellate), often densely appressed-sericeous, rapidly or more slowly glabrescent. Larger leaves (6--) 8—14 (--16.5) cm de largo y (2.9--) 4—8.2 cm de ancho, elliptic, obovate or oblanceolate, abaxial surface persistently abundantly sericeous or moderately or patchily glabrescent, trichomes T-shaped, sessile and appressed, longest trabeculae 0.25—0.5 mm, straight, abaxial glands per side of midrib 1 or 2 proximal and adjacent or close to midrib with an additional 0 or 1 more distal halfway between margin and midrib and/or 0—10 more or less in a row closer to margin than midrib (rarely on margin) or occasionally random, most proximal 0.6—2 mm; stipules 0.25—0.75 (1.25) mm; petioles 5--12 mm. Inflorescences from axils with mature leaves present or lost but from current leaf-bearing portion of branchlet, single, simple pseudoraceme, pseudoracemes (2.5) 3.5--9 cm with 5--22 flowers, bracts (excluding the most proximal) (0.5) 0.75—1.75 mm, peduncles 1—3.75 mm (to 4 mm in fruit), bracteoles (0.25) 0.5—1.5 mm, one (rarely both) bracteole per pair subtending each flower with one gland, bracteole gland (0.5) 0.75--1 mm, decurrent, pedicel (1.25) 2--8 mm (similar in fruit). Flowers with sepal glands (1.75) 2—4 (--4.25) mm, sepals equaling or extending 0.5--1.25 mm beyond glands, spreading away from flower bud prior to anthesis, abaxial surface glabrous to basally densely pubescent, marginally ciliate; ovary 2-locular, densely sericeous (rarely with few trichomes), styles connate, scattered to densely sericeous, stigmas 2, equal, free. Mature fruit 20—30 mm de largo y 14--20 mm de ancho, 2-locular, ellipsoid (sometimes nearly globose), unlobed or weakly bilobed, with scattered retained trichomes to glabrescent, smooth (sometimes granulose), dull, yellow, orange and/or red, apex rostrate, obtusely pointed or more or less rounded, and generally with retained style base as apicula.
Frequent, bosques húmedos, especialmente cerca de agua, bosques secundarios, cafetales, matorrales secos, zona pacífica y sur de la zona atlántica; 0–500 (–800) m; fl abr-jul, nov, fr may-sep, dec; Quezada 244, Soza 113; Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama y Colombia.