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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 3/12/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 3/12/2013)
Species ABUTILON GIGANTEUM (Jacq.) Sweet
PlaceOfPublication Hort. Brit. 1: 53. 1826.
Synonym Sida gigantea Jacq., PI. Rar. Hort. Caes. Schoenbr. Descr. Ic. 2: 8, t. 141. 1797.
Description Herb, shrub or small tree, up to 6 m high, the branchlets yellowish-stellate- tomentose. Leaves with the petiole rounded, 2-4 cm long, stellate-tomentose, the stipules early caducous; blade ovate, sometimes slightly asymmetric, deeply cordate at the base, gradually long-acuminate at the apex, crenulate-denticulate at the margin, 5-12.5 cm long and 2.5-7.5 cm broad, gradually smaller toward the apex of the stem and branchlets, chartaceous, concolorous or nearly so, usually 9-palmi- nerved, the upper surface more or less densely stellate-pubescent, becoming glabres- cent, the lower surface softly stellate-arachnoid and with the venation slightly prominent. Flowers at first axillary and solitary, later accompanied by a racemose flowering branchlet, forming altogether an ample, leafless, terminal, paniculiform inflorescence, the axes yellowish-stellate-tomentose; pedicel stout, articulate, up to 1.5 cm long but usually shorter along the racemose flowering branchlets, densely yellowish-stellate-tomentose; calyx broadly campanulate, ca 12 mm long, yellowish- stellate-velutinous, deeply lobed, the lobes reflexed at anthesis, ovate, acute, ca 10 mm long and 5 mm broad, accrescent; petals reflexed at anthesis, obovate, equalling more or less the calyx, white, villous at the insertion of the staminal tube and forming a ring of hairs around the tube; androecium ca 12 mm long, the staminal tube enlarged below, ca 8 mm long, glabrous, the filaments ca 4 mm long; styles ca 9 mm long, connate below the middle. Fruit broadly cylindric, umbillicate, ca 1 cm long and in diam, stellate-tomentellous to densely stellate-puberulus, the mericarps 8-14, acute at the apex, rounded at the base, rigid-chartaceous, 3-seeded; seeds ca 2-2.5 mm long, hispidulous.
Habit Herb shrub
Habit tree
Distribution West Indies and southern Mexico to northern South America.
Specimen PANAMA: Cerro Campana, Allen 2094 (F, MO, US).
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