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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 3/12/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 3/12/2013)
PlaceOfPublication Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 23: 750. 1923.
Synonym Abutilon jaliscanum Standl., Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser. 4: 229. 1929. Abutilon brenesii Standl., loc. cit. 18: 664. 1937.
Description Shrub or small tree, 2-5 m tall, the branchlets slender, terete, green, stellate- tomentellous to densely stellate-puberulus, the internodes elongate. Leaves long- (lower ones) to short-petiolate (upper ones), the petiole terete, 1-12 cm long, stellate-tomentellous to densely stellate-puberulus, the stipules early caducous; blade broadly ovate to ovate, deeply cordate and with an open sinus at the base, long-acuminate at- the apex, coarsely crenate to serrate or serrulate or denticulate at the margin, sometimes only very shallowly so, up to 25 cm long and 19 cm broad, gradually smaller toward the apoge of the branchlets, thin-chartaceous, slightly discolor, 7- to 9-palminerved, the upper surface scabridulous and sparsely puberulus to glabrescent, the lower surface slightly paler, softly stellate-tomentose to densely stellate-pubescent, and with the venation reticulate and prominent. Flowers solitary (infrequently geminate) in the upper leaf axils, long-pedicellate, the pedicel terete, articulated near the apex and often more or less nodding above the articulation, 2-6 cm long, stellate-tomentellous, the indumentum especially dense above the articulation, the fruiting pedicel somewhat longer and thicker; calyx broadly campanulate, ca 18-20 mm long, brownish- or fulvous-stellate-tomentellous, lobed to far beyond the middle, the lobes patent at anthesis, ovate, acuminate, ca 15 mm long and 8 mm broad; petals patent at anthesis, obovate-unguiculate, ca 3 cm long and 2 cm broad, pale yellow, the claw glabrous or almost so; androecium equalling more or less the corolla, the staminal tube glabrous, filamentiferous at and near the apex, the filaments very numerous and ca 4-5 mm long; styles ca 3 cm long, connate below the middle. Fruit of 7-many mericarps, these rounded to subacute at the apex, 2-3 cm high, rigid-chartaceous, stellate-tomentellous to densely stellate-puberulus, several-seeded; seeds ca 2.5-3 mm long, hispidulous, the hairs simple or few-forked.
Distribution Southern Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica and Panama; called algodoncillo in Panama (fide Bro. Maurice 721).
Specimen CHIRIQUI: Alto Lirio, vic of El Boquete, alt 990 m, Bro. Maurice 721 (US); Bajo Mono, elev 4500 ft, M. E. Davidson 498 (F, US).
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