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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 5/8/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 5/8/2013)
Species Ardisia maxonii Standley
PlaceOfPublication Jour. Washington Acad. Sci. 17: 522. 1927.
Synonym Ardisia woodsonii Lundell, Ann. Missouri Bot. Card. 28: 457. 1941.
Description Shrubs or small trees, 3-11 m high, the branches stout, terete, rimose, the buds and tips lepidote, densely leafy, with short internodes. Leaves small, the petioles stout and broad, 2-6 mm long, glabrous, often marginate to the base; leaf blades coriaceous, oblong-obovate, sometimes broadly so, or oblanceolate, 4-6(-10) cm long and 1.5-3.5 cm wide, obtuse or rounded apically, sometimes obtusely subacuminate, broadly obtuse to cuneate basally, entire, glabrous, green and dull above, beneath paler, often brownish, densely and minutely brown-punctate, the costa stout, prominent, the lateral nerves slender, prominent, ascending, connected by the irregular lax reticulation of the ultimate nerves. Inflorescences terminal, usually much exceeding the leaves, densely many-flowered, tripinnately paniculate, 8 cm long and wide or smaller, the rachis glabrous, angulate. Flowers 5-merous, large, chiefly subumbellate; bracts caducous; pedicels 4-12 mm long; sepals ovate-orbicular, 2-2.5 mm long, connate below, rounded apically, dextrorsely convolute, glabrous, entire, densely punctate with large orange glands; corolla 7-8 mm long, the petals oblong, obtuse, nearly free, symmetric, glabrous, minutely orange-punctate; stamens to 7 mm long, equaling the corolla, the filaments slender, to 3 mm long, the anthers thick, lanceolate-oblong, 3-4 mm long, acute, concolorous; ovary ovoid, smooth, glabrous, the ovules numerous, pluriseriate, the style slender, 6.5 mm long. Fruit globose, 6-9 mm in diameter when mature, black-purple.
Habit Shrubs or small trees
Distribution Native to Panama.
Native Panama
Specimen CHIEQUI: Alto de Cuesta, around Camp Aguacatal, E slope of Volcan de Chiriqui, 2100-2200 m, Pittier 3117 (US). Boquete District, Volcan de Chiriqui, 7000 ft, Davidson 874 (F, MO, US). Vicinity of Casita Alta, Volcan de Chiriqui, 1500-2000 m, Woodson et al. 967 (LL, MO). Cerro Horqueta, rain forest, 6500 ft, von Hagen 2021 (LL), 2067 (MO). Vicinity of Boquete, Finca Collins, 5500 ft, Stern et al. 1137 (MO), 2008 (MICH, MO). Vicinity of Finca Lerida, 1750 m, Woodson & Schery 230 (MICH, holotype of A. woodsonii; MO, isotype). Between the Rio Ladrillo and Los Seguas Camp, S slope of Cerro de la Horqueta, 1200-1700 m, Maxon 5402 (US, holotype), Pittier 3167 (US).
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