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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 12/19/2012)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 12/19/2012)
PlaceOfPublication Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 26:295. 1939.
Description Trees up to 6 m. high, the twigs terete, at first densely brown-pubescent, soon glabrate. Leaves oblong or elliptical-oblong, rounded and shortly caudate- acuminate at the apex, narrowly rounded toward the base, 7-9 cm. long and 2.5- 4.0 cm. wide, concolorous, glabrous with the exception of the midrib, the midrib slightly impressed above, prominent beneath, the lateral nerves about 12 on each side, obscure, the veins obsolete. Flowers probably sessile, solitary or in clusters of few, lateral on the lower defoliated part of the twigs. Mature flowers and fruit not known.
Habit Trees
Native Endemic.
Specimen CANAL ZONE: vicinity of Salamanca Hydrographic Station, Rio Pequeni, alt. 80 m., Woodson, Allen & Seibert I570.
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