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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 7/8/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 7/8/2013)
Species Jasminum fluminense Vell.
PlaceOfPublication Fl. Flum. 10. 1825
Note TYPE: Brasil, Isla Sta. Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Vellozo
Synonym Jasminum azoricum mult. auct., non L.
Description Scandent shrubs to 3 m tall; branches solid, slender, terete, puberulent to tomentose with curled, simple hairs. Leaves opposite, trifoliolate, to 9 cm long; leaflets ovate, apically acuminate, acute or obtuse, basally subcordate, truncate, or short acuminate, the veins ca. 5 on each side, arcuate, not anastomosing at the margins, above pubescent on and near the midvein, otherwise glabrate, beneath glabrate except for tufts of tomentum in the axils of the lower veins; petiolules and petioles tomentose, the terminal petiolule and petiole about equal, 15-20 mm long, angled, the later petiolules shorter, 4-10 mm long. Inflorescences more or less open terminal panicles 4-15 cm long with several flowers opening at a time; petioles mostly 2-3 cm long, puberulent to tomentose, subtended by pairs of short, linear bracts ca. 3 mm long; pedicels 2-4 mm long, subtended by short, linear, tomentose bracts and often with 1 or 2 minute bractlets on the lower half. Flowers fragrant, heterostylous; calyx 2-3 mm long, cupular, as broad as long, glabrate to tomentose, the short teeth 1 mm long; corolla white, drying yellowish, salverform, the tube 15-30 mm long, slightly expanded apically, the lobes nar- row, 10-15 mm long; style branches fusiform, ca. 5 mm long, slightly exserted, the ovary subtruncate, slightly sulcate. Fruits pairs of ellipsoid, divaricate, bac- cate drupelets ca. 7 mm across; pyrenes not seen.
Habit shrubs
Distribution Although a native of Africa, this species was first described from Brasil where it had become naturalized following early Portuguese introduction.
Note It has long been known under the name J. azoricum L., a species which differs in having glabrate inflorescences, longer pedicels, and usually longer corolla tubes. Jas- minum fluminense is widely cultivated in tropical gardens.
Common jasmin de novia jasmin cafe
Specimen PANAMA: Isla Chepillo, Duke 10314 (OS). Sabanas, Paul 282 (US).
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