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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 1/11/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 1/11/2013)
PlaceOfPublication Sp. P1., 388. 1753.
Synonym Ludwigia peruviana Hara, Journ. Jap. Bot. 28:293. 1953. Oenothera hirta L., Sp. P1. ed. 2, 491. 1762. Jussiaea hirta Sw., Obs., 142. 1791. Ludwigia hirta Gomez, Anal. Hist. Nat. Madrid, 23. 1894. Jussiaea hirsuta Miller, Gard. Dict., ed. 8, no. 5. 1768. Jussiaea grandiflora R. & P., Fl. Peruv. 4:3 82. 1802. Jussiaea inacrocarpa H.B.K., Nov. Gen. et Sp. 6:102. 1823. Jussiaea peruviana var. macrocarpa Bertoni, Descr. Fis. Econ. del Paraguay, 13. 1910 Jussiaea mollis H.B.K., l.c. Jussiaea peruviana var. australis Hassler f. hirsuta Hassler and f. tomlentosa Hassler, Fedde Repert. 12:269. 1913. Jussiaea Sprengeri Hort. ex Bailey, Stand. Cyclopedia, 1730. 1915.
Description Suffruticose herb or shrub, 0.6-3 m. high, rarely subscandent and up to 6 m. tall, more or less hirsute-pubescent throughout, usually somewhat tawny, with open branching, the younger branchlets more or less angled; leaf blades ovate- to lance- elliptic, 3-4 times as long as wide, acute to acuminate at both ends, with 12-22 main veins on each side of the midrib, subentire, scabrous-puberulent to soft-hairy, especially beneath and along the veins, 5-15 cm. long, gradually reduced up the stem; petioles 3-10 (-15) mm. long; flowers solitary in upper axils; pedicels 20-25 mm. long at anthesis, somewhat longer in fruit; bracteoles at upper part of pedicel or on base of ovary, lanceolate to oblanceolate, free from stipules, 5-12 (-18) mm. long; sepals 4 (5), lanceolate, acuminate, more or less glandular-serrulate, 10-18 mm. long, not much enlarged in fruit; petals pale to deep yellow, round-obovate, 12-27 mm. long, emarginate, with broad claw 1.5-3 mm. long; stamens subequal, filaments flattened, 2-3.5 mm. long; anthers 3-4.5 mm. long; disc pilose, elevated, 1-2 mm. high; style ca. 1 mm. long; stigma 2-3 mm. long; capsule 4-angled, obconic, 12-30 mm. long, 8-10 mm. thick, usually somewhat constricted at apex; seeds light brown, compressed-obovoid, 0.6-0.8 mm. long, indistinctly striate and regularly and shallowly cellular-pitted, raphe one-fourth to one-fifth the width of the body.
Habit herb shrub
Distribution Wet places. From Florida and Mexico to Argentina.
Specimen BOCAS DEL TORO: Robalo Trail, north slope of Cerro Horqueta, Allen 4945. CHIRIQUI: Llanos del Volcan, Seibert 335; Chiquero, Boquete District, Davidson 5 I5; Boquete, Woodson & Schery 7II. COCLP: Llano Bonito, north of Las Margaritas, Seibert 535; Penonome, R. S. Willia-ns I46; El Valle de Anton, Allen i982, Hunter d Allen 374, and Seibert 489; marshes near Rio Anton, Allen 28I5; near Anton, Woodson, Allen d Seibert 1707.
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