(Last Modified On 11/13/2012)
(Last Modified On 11/13/2012)
Bonplandia 3:223. 1855
C. Schweinf. in Bot. Mus. Leafl. Harv. Univ. 4:96. 1937.
Pleurothallis Wagneri Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. 17:141. 1921. Pleurothallis falcatiloba Ames in Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 34:152. 1921. Pleurothallis canae Ames, Sched. Orch. 2:18. 1923; loc. cit. 7: t. I3. 1924.
Caespitose epiphytic herbs 3-22 cm. tall, ordinarily 10-15 cm. tall. Secondary stems about 0.5-6 cm. long, covered with sheaths, much shorter than the leaves. Leaves (when mature) 4.5-12 cm. long and 0.2-1.2 cm. broad, linear-oblanceolate to oblanceolate, obtuse or rarely acutish, gradually attenuated to the base. In- florescence a few- to several-flowered raceme, often unilateral, usually exceeding the leaves but rarely shorter. Dorsal sepal 5-11 mm. long and 2-3.5 mm. broad, lanceolate to oblong-lanceolate, acute or acuminate, cucullate, keeled dorsally, pubescent within (especially laterally) to glabrous. Lateral sepals 5.5-11 mm. long, oblong-lanceolate to suborbicular-ovate, acute, cucullate to cochleate, con- nate almost to their apices or rarely connate only % their length, pubescent within (especially laterally) to glabrous, keeled dorsally along the mid-ribs. Petals 2-3.5 mm. long and 1-1.5 mm. broad, elliptic-lanceolate to ovate, obtuse or acute, more or less arcuate, apex rarely trilobulate, the base auriculate. Lip 3-4 mm. long and 2.5-3 mm. broad, occasionally papilliferous, 3-lobed; lateral lobes basal or sub- basal, from lanceolate-falcate to subtriangular, usually erect; lamina oblong, obtuse, with 2 large lamellate or ridge-like calluses on the basal half or two thirds, and with an elongate bipartite central callus at the base.
Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, and Panama.
CHIRIQUI: Bajo Chorro, alt. 1800 m., Davidson 170; Rio Quebrada, alt. 1700 m., Killip 3540; "Chiriqui," alt. 1200-1650 m., Powell 236, 278, 289, 3176; Wagner 25; Monte Lirio, alt. 1300-1900 in., Seibert 199, 2I2, 213, 271; Bajo Mona, alt. 1500-2000 m., Woodson, Allen & Seibert 1004. cocle: vicinity of La Mesa. alt. 1000 m. Allen 2307. DARIEN: Cana and vicinity, Williams 971.
One of the most variable of the species of Pleurothallis in Panama. The description is taken from all of the specimens available. A critical study may show some of the forms to be varietally distinct. In addition to the Panamanian synonyms listed above the following names seem to belong here also: Pleurothallis Aguilarii Ames, P. amethystina Ames, P. Johannis Schltr., P. melicoides Schltr., P. pompdlis Ames, and P. vinacea Ames.
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