Maxillaria fulgens (Rchb. f.) L.O. Williams Search in The Plant ListSearch in IPNISearch in Australian Plant Name IndexSearch in NYBG Virtual HerbariumSearch in Muséum national d'Histoire naturelleSearch in Type Specimen Register of the U.S. National HerbariumSearch in Virtual Herbaria AustriaSearch in JSTOR Plant ScienceSearch in SEINetSearch in African Plants Database at Geneva Botanical GardenAfrican Plants, Senckenberg Photo GallerySearch in Flora do Brasil 2020Search in Reflora - Virtual HerbariumSearch in Living Collections Decrease font Increase font Restore font
Accepted By:
  • Reference article Adams, B. R. & P. J. Cribb. 1985. A new species and new records of Orchidaceae for Belize. Kew Bull. 40(3): 637–642.
  • Reference article Atwood, J. T. 1989. Orchids of Costa Rica. Part 1. Icon. Pl. Trop. 14: i–iv, t. 1301–1400.
  • Reference article Atwood, J. T. 2003. Maxillaria. En: Manual de Plantas de Costa Rica. Vol. III. B.E. Hammel, M.H. Grayum, C. Herrera & N. Zamora (eds.). Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard. 93: 291–332.
  • Reference article Atwood, J. T. & D. E. Mora de Retana. 1999. Family #39 Orchidaceae: Tribe Maxillarieae: Subtribes Maxillariinae and Oncidiinae. En: W.C. Burger (ed.), Flora Costaricensis. Fieldiana, Bot., n.s. 40: i–vi, 1–182. View in Biodiversity Heritage Libraryview at BHL
  • Reference article Balick, M. J., M. H. Nee & D.E. Atha. 2000. Checklist of the vascular plants of Belize. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 85: i–ix, 1–246.
  • Reference article Christenson, E. A. 2013. Maxillaria Monogr. 1–2: 1–936. Patricia Ann Harding, Lebanon, OR.
  • Reference article Correa A., M. D., C. Galdames & M. Stapf. 2004. Cat. Pl. Vasc. Panamá 1–599. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Panamá.
  • Reference article Dodson, C.H. 2002. Native Ecuad. Orchids. Lepanthopsis-Oliveriana 3: 433–651. Editorial Colina, Medellín.
  • Reference article Dowe, J. L., M. S. Appelhans, C. Bräuchler, L. Hilje & B. O. Schlumpberger. 2022. The botanical expedition of Hermann Wendland in Central America: A nomenclatural study and travel report. Boissiera 73: 1-136. view
  • Reference article Hokche, O., P. E. Berry & O. Huber. (eds.) 2008. Nuevo Cat. Fl. Vasc. Venez. 1–859. Fundación Instituto Botánico de Venezuela, Caracas.
  • Reference article Jørgensen, P. M. & S. León-Yánez. (eds.) 1999. Catalogue of the Vascular Plants of Ecuador. Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard. 75: i–viii, 1–1181.
  • Reference article McLeish, I., N. R. Pearce, B. R. Adams & J. S. Briggs. 1995. Native Orchids Belize vii–xvii, 1–278. A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam.
  • Reference article Nelson, C. H. 1976. Plantas nuevas para la flora de Honduras. Ceiba 20(2): 58–68.
  • Reference article Pupulin, F. 2002. Catálogo revisado y anotado de las Orchidaceae de Costa Rica. Lankesteriana 4: 1–88.
  • Reference article Schuiteman, A. & M. W. Chase. 2015. A reappraisal of Maxillaria (Orchidaceae). Phytotaxa 225(1): 1–78. view online
  • Reference article Stevens, W. D., C. Ulloa Ulloa, A. Pool & O. M. Montiel Jarquín. 2001. Flora de Nicaragua. Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard. 85: i–xlii,.
  • Reference article Ulloa Ulloa, C., H. M. Hernández, G. Davidse, F. R. Barrie & S. Knapp. 2023. Orchidaceae. 7(2): I-XXI, 1-842. In C. Ulloa Ulloa, H. M. Hernández Macías, G. Davidse, F. R. Barrie & S. Knapp Fl. Mesoamer.. Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis.
  • Reference article Ulloa Ulloa, C., P. Acevedo-Rodríguez, S. G. Beck, M. J. Belgrano, R. Bernal, P. E. Berry, L. Brako, M. Celis, G. Davidse, S. R. Gradstein, O. Hokche, B. León, S. León-Yánez, R. E. Magill, D. A. Neill, M. H. Nee, P. H. Raven, H. Stimmel, M. T. Strong, J. L. Villaseñor Ríos, J. L. Zarucchi, F. O. Zuloaga & P. M. Jørgensen. 2017. An integrated assessment of vascular plants species of the Americas. Science 358: 1614–1617 [Online Suppl. Materials: 1–23 + 1–2497], f. 1–4 [f. S1–5].
  • Reference article Ulloa Ulloa, C., P. Acevedo-Rodríguez, S. G. Beck, M. J. Belgrano, R. Bernal, P. E. Berry, L. Brako, M. Celis, G. Davidse, S. R. Gradstein, O. Hokche, B. León, S. León-Yánez, R. E. Magill, D. A. Neill, M. H. Nee, P. H. Raven, H. Stimmel, M. T. Strong, J. L. Villaseñor Ríos, J. L. Zarucchi, F. O. Zuloaga & P. M. Jørgensen. 2018 (onwards). An integrated Assessment of Vascular Plants Species of the Americas (Online Updates).
  • Reference article Wiese, K. W. 2015. Riqueza de la familia Orchidaceae en la zona de visitantes del Parque Nacional Cerro Azul Meámbar de Honduras. Lankesteriana 15(3): 205–212.
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