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Published In: Flora indica; or, descriptions of Indian Plants 3: 744. 1832. (Fl. Ind.) Name publication detailView in BotanicusView in Biodiversity Heritage Library

Project Name Data (Last Modified On 11/26/2013)
Acceptance : Accepted
References     (Last Modified On 7/1/2022)

Description     (Last Modified On 7/1/2022)
Description: Solitary large shrubs, slender to fairly robust tree pandan, 3–5 m tall, unbranched to less branched, leaf crown crowded. Prop roots present, 27–119 cm long, 3.6– 7.7 cm wide, yellowish brown to creme brown. Stem 8–14.5 cm in diameter, internodes 1.5–3.5 cm long. Leaf lanceolate-elongate, linear, 216–574.5 cm long, 5.2–10 cm wide, coriaceous, 2-pleated with broad furrowed above midrib 1.3–2.6 cm wide; adaxial surface green to dark green, glaucous, adaxial ventral pleats absent, longitudinal veins present, tertiary cross vein forming square and oblong meshes 1–2 mm apart; abaxial surface light green to fairly yellowish green, longitudinal veins present, obvious, 0.5–1 mm apart, longitudinal veins absent, recurved spines present; middle and basal parts of leaf with stout subulate prickles 1/10th basally, 2–7 mm long, 8–27 mm apart, arcuate, base thickened 2–3 mm wide, approximately 45 degrees ascending, green with brown tip, the midrib below with reflexed stout subulate prickles, 4–11 mm long, 8–45 mm apart, base thickened 2– 4 mm wide, brown; medial part with 49–66 secondary parallel veins, the margin with stout subulate prickles, 2–6 mm long, 8–25 mm apart, base thickened 1.5–2 mm wide, approximately 5 degrees ascending, green with brown tip, the raised midrib below with curved subulate prickles, 1.5–5 mm long, 7–50 mm apart, light green with brown tip; apical part gradually long tapering to subulate apex which at 10 cm down is 1.5–5 mm wide, apically with subulate serrate prickles, 0.5–2 mm long, 1–3 mm apart, light green with brown tip, the midrib below with subulate serrate prickles, 1–2 mm long, 1–5 mm apart, light green with brown tip; leafsheath indurate, widened and amplexicaule, yellowish to reddish brown, glabrous. Staminate inflorescence terminal, pendulous, 50–120 cm long; 8–9 peduncular bracts, white, linear-lanceolate, fairly fragrant; staminate spike 8–12 cm long, cylindrical. Staminate flower minute, stamen 6–10; androphore 8–10 mm long; stemonophores each 1–7 mm long; anthers 8–17 on broadend top of stemonophore, each 3–7 mm long; filament free, short, 0.5–1 mm long. Pistillate inflorescence terminal, pendulous, 30–90 cm long. Pistillate flower unknown. Infructescence terminal, solitary, hanging, pendulous; peduncle slightly curved at end basally, 38.5–93 cm long, 8–30 mm wide, subtriangular, whitish green, glabrous; peduncular bracts 6, cymbiform, ovate, lanceolate-leaflike, 34-115 cm long, 8.3-22 cm wide, green to fairly yellowish green. Cephalia ellipsoid to fairly suboblong, green when young then turns to yellowish and orangish green when mature, 21–49 cm long, 2.6–45 cm wide, bearing 475–1,053 drupes. Drupes numerous, cuneate, oblong to oblanceolate, 1.2–4.5 cm long, 0.8–1.6 cm wide, 0.7–1.8 cm thick, increasing upward in size, sometimes smallest in center, apical ones definitely largest, 5–6 angled, the upper 1/5 free; pileus 4–11 mm high, hemispheric ovoid with 5–6 sharp angles, surface glabrous-smooth, dull, actual apex low, obliquely truncate to the style; style 5–8 mm long, obviously furcate, hornlike, bifurcate nearly halfway, spreading or on a few terminal drupes with style undivided, bony, shining, reddish brown; stigma 2–6 mm long, ellipsoid-lanceolate, confluent below but separating on forked style, covering proximal face, dark brown, papillose; endocarp submedian to median, lanceolate, apex acute to acuminate extended to style, bony , dark brown, lateral walls 1–2 mm thick, within smooth-shining; seeds 9–18 mm long, 3–5 mm wide, lanceolate; apical mesocarp 5–20 mm long, narrowly ovate; basal mesocarp 3–14 mm long, fibrous-fleshy. (Keim et al. 2020 Pandans of Java: Systematics and Ethnobotany of the Forgotten Sacred Plants of Java. Penerbit IPB Press. Indonesia.)




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