Gynomonoecious. Perennials; tufted, stoloniferous, tufts loose, light green; tillers intravaginal. Culms 8--12(--20) cm, erect to decumbent, slender, terete or weakly compressed; nodes terete, 1 exerted. Leaves; leaf sheaths terete, bulb absent, smooth, glabrous, bases of basal sheaths glabrous, flag-leaf sheath margins fused 1/4--1/3 the length, 2--4 x long as its blade; collars smooth, glabrous; ligules 0.6--1.0 mm long, abaxially smooth, glabrous, apices truncate; blades 2--3 mm wide, flat, thin, soft, smooth, broadly prow-tipped, cauline blades subequal. Panicles 2.5--5 cm long, 1--2 x long as wide, erect, loosely contracted or open, ovoid to pyramidal, sparse, with 10--25(--30) spikelets; rachis with 1--2 branches per node; primary branches spreading to reflexed, straight, terete, smooth, or with rare hooks, longest branches 1--3 cm, with 2--5(--8) spikelets. Spikelets 4--6 mm long, laterally compressed, not bulbiferous; florets 3--7; rachilla internodes smooth, glabrous, more or less concealed, distal internode less than 1/2 length of distal lemma; glumes distinctly keeled, keels smooth; lower glumes 1-veined; calluses glabrous; lemmas 1.7--4.0 mm long, lanceolate, distinctly keeled, smooth throughout, proximal lemmas glabrous throughout or keels and marginal veins sparsely short villous, distal lemmas glabrous or keels and marginal veins short villous to near apices, between veins glabrous, intermediate veins moderately prominent, margins smooth, glabrous, apices obtuse to acute; paleas smooth, sometimes sparsely softly puberulent or short villous over the keels. Flowers proximal florets bisexual, distal 1--2 florets pistillate; anthers (1.25--)1.5--2.5 mm long, cylindrical prior to dehiscence; caryopses 1.2--1.4 mm, elliptical in side-veiw, sulcate, dark brown. 2n = 14. Genotype: Mm