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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 10/16/2012)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 10/16/2012)
PlaceOfPublication Fl. Carn. ed. 2. 1:52. 1772.
Synonym Panicum sanguinale L. Sp. P1. 57. 1753. Dactylon sanguinalis L. ex Vill. Hist. P1. Dauph. 2:69. 1787. Syntherisma praecox Walt. Fl. Carol. 76. 1788. Paspalum sanguinale Lam. Tabl. Encycl. 1:176. 1791. Digitaria Praecox Willd. Enum. P1. 91. 1809. Panicum adscendens H.B.K. Nov. Gen: & Sp. 1:97. 1815. Cynodon praecox Roem. & Schult. Syst. Veg. 2:412. 1817. Digitaria marginata Link, Enum. P1. 1:102. 1821. Digitaria fimbriata Link, Hort. Berol. 1:226. 1827. Panicum fimbriatum Kunth, Rev. Gram. 1:33. 1829. Panicum linizianum Kunth, Rev. Gram. 1:33. 1829. Syntherisma sanguinalis Dulac, Fl. Haut. Pyr. 77. 1867. Syntherisma fimbriatum Nash, Bull. Torrey Club 25:302. 1898. Syntherisina marginatum Nash, N. Amer. Fl. 17:154. 1912. Digitaria marginata var. fimbriata Stapf in Prain, Fl. Trop. Afr. 9:440. 1919. Panicum sanguinale subsp. imarginatum Thell. Vierteljahrs. Nat. Ges. Zurich 64:699. 1919. Digitaria sanguinalis var. marginata Fernald, Rhodora 22:103. 1920. Digitaria adscendens Henr. Blumea 1:92. 1934. Digitaria nealleyi Henr. Blumea 1:94. 1934.
Description Decumbent or geniculate-spreading annual; culms geniculate and commonly rooting at the lower nodes, ascending, 15 cm. to more than 1 m. long; sheaths shorter than the internodes, sparsely to rather densely papillose-hirsute; ligule membranaceous, truncate, 1-2 mm. long; blades 2-10 cm. long, or sometimes longer in robust specimens, 2-9 mm. wide, scabrous, sparsely to rather densely pilose or papillose-pilose with prominent white midnerve and margins; racemes 2-several, digitate or with a second whorl a short distance below, the rachis about 1 mm. wide, narrowly winged; spikelets 3 mm. long, the first glume small but plainly evident; second glume acuminate, about three-fourths as long as the fruit; sterile lemma slightly longer than the fruit, from nearly glabrous to prominently villous on the margins.
Distribution A common weed in cultivated ground and waste places, in warm temperate and tropical regions around the world.
Specimen CHIRIQUI: El Boquete, Hitchcock 8233, 8314. CANAL ZONE: between Mindi and Colon, Hitchcock 7941; Frijoles, Pittier 3761; Gamboa, Pittier 4440; Standley 28504; Culebra, Hitchcock 7915; Pittier 2650; Summit, Standley 30092; Corozal, Piper 5262; between Corozal and Ancon, Pittier 2i85; Ancon, Piper 5235; Bro. Celestine 23; Balboa, Standley 25493; McBride & Featberstone 42; Balboa Heights, Killip 4255. PANAMA: Matias Hernaindez, Pittier 6853; Panama', Hitchcock 22948; Chepo, Pittier 4464.
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