Literature Based Distribution
Mapping will be based on a standard reference mark based on political units when available.
Argentina | | | Pruski, J. F. & H. E. Robinson | 2018 | Asteraceae | Fl. Mesoamer. | 5(2): i–xix, 1–608 |
Australia | | | Pruski, J. F. & H. E. Robinson | 2018 | Asteraceae | Fl. Mesoamer. | 5(2): i–xix, 1–608 |
Bolivia | | | Pruski, J. F. & H. E. Robinson | 2018 | Asteraceae | Fl. Mesoamer. | 5(2): i–xix, 1–608 |
Bolivia | La Paz | | Jørgensen, P. M., M. H. Nee, S. G. Beck & A.F. Fuentes | 2015 en adelante | Catálogo de las plantas vasculares de Bolivia (actualizaciones en línea) | | |
Bolivia | La Paz | | Jørgensen, P. M., M. H. Nee & S. G. Beck | 2014 | Catálogo de las plantas vasculares de Bolivia | Cat. Pl. Vasc. Bolivia, Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard. | 127(1–2): i–viii, 1–1744 |
Bolivia | Santa Cruz | | Jørgensen, P. M., M. H. Nee & S. G. Beck | 2014 | Catálogo de las plantas vasculares de Bolivia | Cat. Pl. Vasc. Bolivia, Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard. | 127(1–2): i–viii, 1–1744 |
Bolivia | Santa Cruz | | Jørgensen, P. M., M. H. Nee, S. G. Beck & A.F. Fuentes | 2015 en adelante | Catálogo de las plantas vasculares de Bolivia (actualizaciones en línea) | | |
Bolivia | Tarija | | Jørgensen, P. M., M. H. Nee, S. G. Beck & A.F. Fuentes | 2015 en adelante | Catálogo de las plantas vasculares de Bolivia (actualizaciones en línea) | | |
Bolivia | Tarija | | Jørgensen, P. M., M. H. Nee & S. G. Beck | 2014 | Catálogo de las plantas vasculares de Bolivia | Cat. Pl. Vasc. Bolivia, Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard. | 127(1–2): i–viii, 1–1744 |
Brazil | | | Forzza, R. C. | 2010 | (none) | Lista de espécies Flora do Brasil | |
Brazil | | | Pruski, J. F. & H. E. Robinson | 2018 | Asteraceae | Fl. Mesoamer. | 5(2): i–xix, 1–608 |
Canada | | | Anonymous | 1986 | (none) | List-Based Rec., Soil Conserv. Serv., U.S.D.A. | |
Canada | | | Gleason, H. A. | 1968 | The Sympetalous Dicotyledoneae | Ill. Fl. N.E. U.S. | vol. 3. 596 pp |
Caribbean | | | Pruski, J. F. & H. E. Robinson | 2018 | Asteraceae | Fl. Mesoamer. | 5(2): i–xix, 1–608 |
China | | | Flora of China Editorial Committee | 2011 | Flora of China (Asteraceae) | Fl. China | 20–21: 1–992 |
China | Guangdong | | Flora of China Editorial Committee | 1988-2013 | Flora of China (Checklist & Addendum) | Fl. China | Unpaginated |
China | Jiangsu | | Flora of China Editorial Committee | 1988-2013 | Flora of China (Checklist & Addendum) | Fl. China | Unpaginated |
China | Sichuan | | Flora of China Editorial Committee | 1988-2013 | Flora of China (Checklist & Addendum) | Fl. China | Unpaginated |
China | Yunnan | | Flora of China Editorial Committee | 1988-2013 | Flora of China (Checklist & Addendum) | Fl. China | Unpaginated |
Colombia | | | Pruski, J. F. & H. E. Robinson | 2018 | Asteraceae | Fl. Mesoamer. | 5(2): i–xix, 1–608 |
Colombia | Antioquia | | Idárraga-Piedrahita, A., R. del C. Ortiz, R. Callejas Posada & M. Merello | 2011 | Listado de las plantas vasculares del departamento de Antioquia | Fl. Antioquia: Cat. | 2: 9–939 |
Costa Rica | | | Pruski, J. F. & H. E. Robinson | 2018 | Asteraceae | Fl. Mesoamer. | 5(2): i–xix, 1–608 |
Costa Rica | | | Strother, J. L. | 1999 | Compositae–Heliantheae s. l. | Fl. Chiapas | 5: 1–232 |
El Salvador | | | Berendsohn, W. G. & A.E. Araniva de González | 1989 | Listado básico de la Flora Salvadorensis: Dicotyledonae, Sympetalae (pro parte): Labiatae, Bignoniaceae, Acanthaceae, Pedaliaceae, Martyniaceae, Gesneriaceae, Compositae | Cuscatlania | 1(3): 290–1–290–13 |
El Salvador | | | Pruski, J. F. & H. E. Robinson | 2018 | Asteraceae | Fl. Mesoamer. | 5(2): i–xix, 1–608 |
Guatemala | | | Nash, D. L. | 1976 | Tribe V, Heliantheae. En: Nash, D.L. & Williams, L.O. (eds.), Flora of Guatemala - Part XII | Fieldiana, Bot. | 24(12): 181–361, 503–570 |
Guatemala | | | Strother, J. L. | 1999 | Compositae–Heliantheae s. l. | Fl. Chiapas | 5: 1–232 |
Guatemala | | | Pruski, J. F. & H. E. Robinson | 2018 | Asteraceae | Fl. Mesoamer. | 5(2): i–xix, 1–608 |
Guatemala | Alta Verapaz | | Nash, D. L. | 1976 | Tribe V, Heliantheae. En: Nash, D.L. & Williams, L.O. (eds.), Flora of Guatemala - Part XII | Fieldiana, Bot. | 24(12): 181–361, 503–570 |
Guatemala | Huehuetenango | | Nash, D. L. | 1976 | Tribe V, Heliantheae. En: Nash, D.L. & Williams, L.O. (eds.), Flora of Guatemala - Part XII | Fieldiana, Bot. | 24(12): 181–361, 503–570 |
Guatemala | Jalapa | | Nash, D. L. | 1976 | Tribe V, Heliantheae. En: Nash, D.L. & Williams, L.O. (eds.), Flora of Guatemala - Part XII | Fieldiana, Bot. | 24(12): 181–361, 503–570 |
Guyana | | | Pruski, J. F. & H. E. Robinson | 2018 | Asteraceae | Fl. Mesoamer. | 5(2): i–xix, 1–608 |
Honduras | | | Pruski, J. F. & H. E. Robinson | 2018 | Asteraceae | Fl. Mesoamer. | 5(2): i–xix, 1–608 |
Honduras | | | Nelson, C. H. | 2008 | (none) | Cat. Pl. Vasc. Honduras | i–xxix, 31–1576 |
Honduras | | | Molina R., A. | 1975 | Enumeración de las plantas de Honduras | Ceiba | 19(1): 1–118 |
Mexico | | | Breedlove, D.E. | 1986 | Flora de Chiapas | Listados Floríst. México | 4: i–v, 1–246 |
Mexico | | | Flora of China Editorial Committee | 2011 | Flora of China (Asteraceae) | Fl. China | 20–21: 1–992 |
Mexico | | | Nelson, C. H. | 2008 | (none) | Cat. Pl. Vasc. Honduras | i–xxix, 31–1576 |
Mexico | | | SPECIMEN BASED RECORD | | Published protolog data | | |
Mexico | | | Pruski, J. F. & H. E. Robinson | 2018 | Asteraceae | Fl. Mesoamer. | 5(2): i–xix, 1–608 |
Mexico | Aguascalientes | | Strother, J. L. | 1999 | Compositae–Heliantheae s. l. | Fl. Chiapas | 5: 1–232 |
Mexico | Aguascalientes | | Villaseñor Ríos, J. L. | 2016 | Checklist of the native vascular plants of Mexico/Catálogo de las plantas vasculares nativas de México | Revista Mex. Biodivers. | 87(3): 559–902 |
Mexico | Chiapas | | Villaseñor Ríos, J. L. | 2016 | Checklist of the native vascular plants of Mexico/Catálogo de las plantas vasculares nativas de México | Revista Mex. Biodivers. | 87(3): 559–902 |
Mexico | Chiapas | | Breedlove, D.E. | 1986 | Flora de Chiapas | Listados Floríst. México | 4: i–v, 1–246 |
Mexico | Chiapas | | Strother, J. L. | 1999 | Compositae–Heliantheae s. l. | Fl. Chiapas | 5: 1–232 |
Mexico | Chiapas | | Pruski, J. F. & H. E. Robinson | 2018 | Asteraceae | Fl. Mesoamer. | 5(2): i–xix, 1–608 |
Mexico | Chihuahua | | Villaseñor Ríos, J. L. | 2016 | Checklist of the native vascular plants of Mexico/Catálogo de las plantas vasculares nativas de México | Revista Mex. Biodivers. | 87(3): 559–902 |
Mexico | Coahuila | | Villaseñor Ríos, J. L. | 2016 | Checklist of the native vascular plants of Mexico/Catálogo de las plantas vasculares nativas de México | Revista Mex. Biodivers. | 87(3): 559–902 |
Mexico | Colima | | Villaseñor Ríos, J. L. | 2016 | Checklist of the native vascular plants of Mexico/Catálogo de las plantas vasculares nativas de México | Revista Mex. Biodivers. | 87(3): 559–902 |
Mexico | Distrito Federal (use Ciudad de México) | | Villaseñor Ríos, J. L. | 2016 | Checklist of the native vascular plants of Mexico/Catálogo de las plantas vasculares nativas de México | Revista Mex. Biodivers. | 87(3): 559–902 |
Mexico | Distrito Federal (use Ciudad de México) | | Strother, J. L. | 1999 | Compositae–Heliantheae s. l. | Fl. Chiapas | 5: 1–232 |
Mexico | Durango | | Strother, J. L. | 1999 | Compositae–Heliantheae s. l. | Fl. Chiapas | 5: 1–232 |
Mexico | Durango | | Villaseñor Ríos, J. L. | 2016 | Checklist of the native vascular plants of Mexico/Catálogo de las plantas vasculares nativas de México | Revista Mex. Biodivers. | 87(3): 559–902 |
Mexico | Guanajuato | | Villaseñor Ríos, J. L. | 2016 | Checklist of the native vascular plants of Mexico/Catálogo de las plantas vasculares nativas de México | Revista Mex. Biodivers. | 87(3): 559–902 |
Mexico | Guanajuato | | Strother, J. L. | 1999 | Compositae–Heliantheae s. l. | Fl. Chiapas | 5: 1–232 |
Mexico | Guerrero | | Villaseñor Ríos, J. L. | 2016 | Checklist of the native vascular plants of Mexico/Catálogo de las plantas vasculares nativas de México | Revista Mex. Biodivers. | 87(3): 559–902 |
Mexico | Hidalgo | | Villaseñor Ríos, J. L. | 2016 | Checklist of the native vascular plants of Mexico/Catálogo de las plantas vasculares nativas de México | Revista Mex. Biodivers. | 87(3): 559–902 |
Mexico | Hidalgo | | Strother, J. L. | 1999 | Compositae–Heliantheae s. l. | Fl. Chiapas | 5: 1–232 |
Mexico | Jalisco | | Strother, J. L. | 1999 | Compositae–Heliantheae s. l. | Fl. Chiapas | 5: 1–232 |
Mexico | Jalisco | | Villaseñor Ríos, J. L. | 2016 | Checklist of the native vascular plants of Mexico/Catálogo de las plantas vasculares nativas de México | Revista Mex. Biodivers. | 87(3): 559–902 |
Mexico | México | | Villaseñor Ríos, J. L. | 2016 | Checklist of the native vascular plants of Mexico/Catálogo de las plantas vasculares nativas de México | Revista Mex. Biodivers. | 87(3): 559–902 |
Mexico | México | | Strother, J. L. | 1999 | Compositae–Heliantheae s. l. | Fl. Chiapas | 5: 1–232 |
Mexico | Michoacán | | Strother, J. L. | 1999 | Compositae–Heliantheae s. l. | Fl. Chiapas | 5: 1–232 |
Mexico | Michoacán | | Villaseñor Ríos, J. L. | 2016 | Checklist of the native vascular plants of Mexico/Catálogo de las plantas vasculares nativas de México | Revista Mex. Biodivers. | 87(3): 559–902 |
Mexico | Morelos | | Villaseñor Ríos, J. L. | 2016 | Checklist of the native vascular plants of Mexico/Catálogo de las plantas vasculares nativas de México | Revista Mex. Biodivers. | 87(3): 559–902 |
Mexico | Nayarit | | Villaseñor Ríos, J. L. | 2016 | Checklist of the native vascular plants of Mexico/Catálogo de las plantas vasculares nativas de México | Revista Mex. Biodivers. | 87(3): 559–902 |
Mexico | Nayarit | | Strother, J. L. | 1999 | Compositae–Heliantheae s. l. | Fl. Chiapas | 5: 1–232 |
Mexico | Nuevo León | | Villaseñor Ríos, J. L. | 2016 | Checklist of the native vascular plants of Mexico/Catálogo de las plantas vasculares nativas de México | Revista Mex. Biodivers. | 87(3): 559–902 |
Mexico | Oaxaca | | Villaseñor Ríos, J. L. | 2016 | Checklist of the native vascular plants of Mexico/Catálogo de las plantas vasculares nativas de México | Revista Mex. Biodivers. | 87(3): 559–902 |
Mexico | Oaxaca | | Strother, J. L. | 1999 | Compositae–Heliantheae s. l. | Fl. Chiapas | 5: 1–232 |
Mexico | Oaxaca | | García-Mendoza, A. J. & J. A. Meave del Castillo | 2011 | (none) | Divers. Floríst. Oaxaca | 1–351 |
Mexico | Puebla | | Strother, J. L. | 1999 | Compositae–Heliantheae s. l. | Fl. Chiapas | 5: 1–232 |
Mexico | Puebla | | Villaseñor Ríos, J. L. | 2016 | Checklist of the native vascular plants of Mexico/Catálogo de las plantas vasculares nativas de México | Revista Mex. Biodivers. | 87(3): 559–902 |
Mexico | Querétaro | | Villaseñor Ríos, J. L. | 2016 | Checklist of the native vascular plants of Mexico/Catálogo de las plantas vasculares nativas de México | Revista Mex. Biodivers. | 87(3): 559–902 |
Mexico | San Luis Potosí | | Villaseñor Ríos, J. L. | 2016 | Checklist of the native vascular plants of Mexico/Catálogo de las plantas vasculares nativas de México | Revista Mex. Biodivers. | 87(3): 559–902 |
Mexico | Sinaloa | | Villaseñor Ríos, J. L. | 2016 | Checklist of the native vascular plants of Mexico/Catálogo de las plantas vasculares nativas de México | Revista Mex. Biodivers. | 87(3): 559–902 |
Mexico | Sinaloa | | Strother, J. L. | 1999 | Compositae–Heliantheae s. l. | Fl. Chiapas | 5: 1–232 |
Mexico | Sonora | | Villaseñor Ríos, J. L. | 2016 | Checklist of the native vascular plants of Mexico/Catálogo de las plantas vasculares nativas de México | Revista Mex. Biodivers. | 87(3): 559–902 |
Mexico | Tamaulipas | | Villaseñor Ríos, J. L. | 2016 | Checklist of the native vascular plants of Mexico/Catálogo de las plantas vasculares nativas de México | Revista Mex. Biodivers. | 87(3): 559–902 |
Mexico | Tlaxcala | | Villaseñor Ríos, J. L. | 2016 | Checklist of the native vascular plants of Mexico/Catálogo de las plantas vasculares nativas de México | Revista Mex. Biodivers. | 87(3): 559–902 |
Mexico | Veracruz | | Villaseñor Ríos, J. L. | 2016 | Checklist of the native vascular plants of Mexico/Catálogo de las plantas vasculares nativas de México | Revista Mex. Biodivers. | 87(3): 559–902 |
Mexico | Zacatecas | | Villaseñor Ríos, J. L. | 2016 | Checklist of the native vascular plants of Mexico/Catálogo de las plantas vasculares nativas de México | Revista Mex. Biodivers. | 87(3): 559–902 |
Mexico | Zacatecas | | Strother, J. L. | 1999 | Compositae–Heliantheae s. l. | Fl. Chiapas | 5: 1–232 |
Peru | | | Nelson, C. H. | 2008 | (none) | Cat. Pl. Vasc. Honduras | i–xxix, 31–1576 |
Peru | | | Pruski, J. F. & H. E. Robinson | 2018 | Asteraceae | Fl. Mesoamer. | 5(2): i–xix, 1–608 |
United States | | | Pruski, J. F. & H. E. Robinson | 2018 | Asteraceae | Fl. Mesoamer. | 5(2): i–xix, 1–608 |
United States | | | Anonymous | 1986 | (none) | List-Based Rec., Soil Conserv. Serv., U.S.D.A. | |
United States | | | Munz, P. A. & D. D. Keck | 1959 | (none) | Cal. Fl. | 1–1681 |
United States | | | Gleason, H. A. | 1968 | The Sympetalous Dicotyledoneae | Ill. Fl. N.E. U.S. | vol. 3. 596 pp |
United States | | | Nash, D. L. | 1976 | Tribe V, Heliantheae. En: Nash, D.L. & Williams, L.O. (eds.), Flora of Guatemala - Part XII | Fieldiana, Bot. | 24(12): 181–361, 503–570 |
United States | | | Small, J. K. | 1933 | (none) | Man. S.E. Fl. | i–xxii, 1–1554 |
United States | | | Cronquist, A. J. | 1980 | Asteraceae | Vasc. Fl. S.E. U. S. | 1: i–xv, 1–261 |
United States | | | Radford, A. E., H. E. Ahles & C. R. Bell | 1968 | (none) | Man. Vasc. Fl. Carolinas | i–lxi, 1–1183 |
United States | Arizona | | Strother, J. L. | 1999 | Compositae–Heliantheae s. l. | Fl. Chiapas | 5: 1–232 |
United States | California | | Anonymous | 1986 | (none) | List-Based Rec., Soil Conserv. Serv., U.S.D.A. | |
United States | California | | Munz, P. A. & D. D. Keck | 1959 | (none) | Cal. Fl. | 1–1681 |
United States | Florida | | Small, J. K. | 1933 | (none) | Man. S.E. Fl. | i–xxii, 1–1554 |
United States | North Carolina | | Radford, A. E., H. E. Ahles & C. R. Bell | 1968 | (none) | Man. Vasc. Fl. Carolinas | i–lxi, 1–1183 |
United States | South Carolina | | Radford, A. E., H. E. Ahles & C. R. Bell | 1968 | (none) | Man. Vasc. Fl. Carolinas | i–lxi, 1–1183 |
Venezuela | | | Pruski, J. F. & H. E. Robinson | 2018 | Asteraceae | Fl. Mesoamer. | 5(2): i–xix, 1–608 |