Appressed to loosely grey-tomentose annuals, 10-35 cm high, erect, usually branched from near the middle with ascending branches. Leaves lanceolate, acuminate. Glomerules of 2-10 capitula, sessile or shortly pedunculate, in a raceme or panicle-like inflorescence. Involucre 4-5 mm long, oblong-ovate; phyllaries in about three series, c. 15 in number, the outer mi¬nute, linear, flat, the middle lanceolate, plicate, including the ou¬ter filiform female florets, lanate on the back, the inner similar, but glabrous. At fruiting-time phyllaries reflexed. In the centre usually 4 tubular bisexual florets and numerous filiform female florets. Cypselas dimorphous, the outer slightly curved without pappus, the inner straight with pappus 2.5-3 mm long.