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Tussilago farfara L. | Kapoor, B. M. & S. Ramcharitar. 1982. In IOPB chromosome number reports LXXVI. Taxon 31: 596–597. | 82-83 | | 60 |
Tussilago farfara L. | Arohonka, T. 1982. Chromosome counts of vascular plants of the island Seili in Nauvo, southwestern Finland. Ann. Univ. Turku., Ser. A, Biol.-Geogr. 3: 1–12. | 84-85 | | 60 |
Tussilago farfara L. | Kuzmanov, B. A., S. B. Georgieva & V. A. Nikolova. 1986. Chromosome numbers of Bulgarian flowering plants. I. Fam. Asteraceae. Fitologija 31: 71–74. | 86-87 | | 60 |
Tussilago farfara L. | Kapoor, B. M., S. Ramcharitar & C. Gervais. 1987. Liste annotée de nombres chromosomiques de la flore vasculaire du nord-est de l'Amérique. Naturaliste Canad. 114: 105–116. | 86-87 | | 60 |
Tussilago farfara L. | Hill, L. M. 1989. IOPB chromosome data 1. Int. Organ. Pl. Biosyst. Newslett. (Zurich) 13: 17–19. | 88-89 | | 60 |
Tussilago farfara L. | Parfenov, V. I. & S. A. Dmitrieva. 1988. Kariologicheskaja kharakteristika predstavitelej flory sosudistykh rastenij Berezinskogo biosfernogo zapovednika. Zapov. Belorussii Issl. 12: 3–8. | 90-91 | | 60 |
Tussilago farfara L. | Hollingsworth, P. M., R. J. Gornall & J. P. Bailey. 1992. Contribution to a cytological catalogue of the British and Irish flora, 2. Watsonia 19: 134–137. | 92-93 | | 60 |
Tussilago farfara L. | Druskovic, B. & M. Lovka. 1995. IOPB chromosome data 9. Int. Organ. Pl. Biosyst. Newslett. (Zurich) 24: 15–19. | 94-95 | | 60 |
Tussilago farfara L. | Mĕsíček, J. 1992. In J. M|3esí|3ccek & V. Jav@0urková-Jarolímová, List of Chromosome Numbers of the Czech Vascular Plants. Academia, Praha. | 96-97 | | 60 |
Tussilago farfara L. | Liu, J. q. 2000. Karyomorphology of Tussilago L. (Asteraceae: Senecioneae) and its systematic significance. Bull. Bot. Res., Harbin 20(3): 313–317. | 98-00 | | 60 |
Tussilago farfara L. | Lövkvist, B. & U. M. Hultgård. 1999. Chromosome numbers in south Swedish vascular plants. Opera Bot. 137: 1–42. | 98-00 | | 60 |
Tussilago farfara L. | Rostovtseva, T. S. 1979. Chromosome numbers of some species of the family Asteraceae Dumort. Bot. Zhurn. SSSR 64 (4): 582–589. | 79-81 | | 60 |
Tussilago farfara L. | Van Den Brand, C., F. C. M. V. Meel & J. H. Wieffering. 1979. In IOPB chromosome number reports LXIV. Taxon 28: 395–397. | 79-81 | | 60 |
Tussilago farfara L. | Morton, J. K. 1977. A cytological study of the Compositae (excluding Hieracium and Taraxacum) of the British Isles. Watsonia 11: 211–223. | 75-78 | | ca.60 |
Tussilago farfara L. | Skalinska, M., H. JANKUN, H. Wcislo & e. al. 1976. Further studies in chromosome numbers of Polish angiosperms. XI. Acta Biol. Cracov., Ser. Bot. 19: 107–148. | 75-78 | | 60 |
Tussilago farfara L. | Probatova, N. S., E. G. Rudyka & S. A. Shatalova. 2001. Chromosome numbers in some plant species from the environs of Vladivostok city (Primorsky Region). Bot. Zhurn. (Moscow & Leningrad) 86(1): 168–172. | 01-03 | | 60 |