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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 6/5/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 6/5/2013)
Species Hebeclinium macrophyllum (L.) DC.
PlaceOfPublication Prodr. 5: 136. 1836.
Synonym Eupatorium macrophyllum L., Sp. P1., ed. 2. 1175. 1763. TYPE: America, Plumier sp. 10, pl. 129. Ageratum guianense Aubl., Hist. P1. Guiane 2: 800. 1775. TYPE: French Guiana, Aublet (BM?, not seen). Eupatorium molle Swartz, Prodr. Veg. Ind. Occ. 111. 1788, nom. illeg., incl. sp. prior. TYPE: Jamaica, Swartz (S?, not seen). Coleosanthus tiliaefolius Cass., Dict. Sci. Nat. 24: 519. 1822. SYNTYPES: Saint-Domingue, Herb. Desfontaines. Cayenne, Herb. Desfontaines (P?, FI?, not seen). Eupatorium populifolium Mart., Flora 20, Beibl. 2: 105. 1837, not E. populifolium. H.B.K., 1818. TYPE: Brasil, Rio de Janiero, Martius 139 (M?, not seen). Eupatorium dryadeum DC., Prodr. 7: 269. 1838, new name for E. populifolium Mart. TYPE: Brasil, Martius 139 (M?, not seen). Ageratum coeruleum Sieber ex Baker in Mart., Fl. Bras. 6(2): 345. 1876, nom. nud. TYPE: Martinique, F. Kohaut 192 (B, destroyed).
Description Erect herbs or small shrubs to 2.5 m tall; stems terete, faintly striate, densely tomentellous. Leaves opposite; blades thinly papyraceous, broadly ovate, to 15 cm long and 20 cm wide, the base usually truncate or cordate, the margins crenulate- dentate, the apex acuminate, the upper surface dark green, sparsely puberulous to nearly glabrous, the lower surface light green, densely tomentellous, the venation trinervate from base; petioles to 10 cm long. Inflorescence a loose many-headed corymbose panicle, the ultimate branches to 1 cm long, densely puberulous. Heads ca. 4.5 mm high with ca. 50-80 florets; involucral bracts green, ca. 30, imbricate, unequal, in 4-5 series, ovate to oblong-lanceolate, the outer surface with ca. 4-5 striae, densely puberulous, the inner bracts with more narrowly acute tips; receptacle hemispherical, without parenchyma, densely hirsute; corolla white or pink, narrowly tubular, ca. 3.5 mm long, the lobes ca. 0.2 mm long, about twice as long as wide with numerous hairs on outer surface. Achenes ca. 1.5 mm long, mostly glabrous with some glands above; pappus of ca. 30-35 slender some- what scabrous bristles, the apical cells acute.
Habit herbs or small shrubs
Distribution a common and widely distributed plant in the American tropics ranging from Mexico south to Argentina and east through the West Indies.
Note he more narrowly acute, grayish-green involucral bracts give a distinctive appearance to the heads. In the Province of Panama the species has the common name "roble," Duke 5819 (MO).
Common roble
Specimen BOCAS DEL TORO: Almirante, Blum 1342 (MO). Bocas del Toro, Carleton 228 (US). Almirante, Cooper 172 (F). Changuinola Valley, Dunlap 286 (US). Changuinola near Chiriqui Land Company, Dwyer 5112 (US). Shepherd Island, McDaniel 5163 (FSU, MO). Swan Key, 2 km N of Isla Colon, Tyson & Loftin 6295 (FSU, MO, US). Water Valley, von Wedel 615 (MO). Water Valley, vic. of Chiriqui Lagoon, von Wedel 1544, 1576, 1680, 1774 (all MO, US). Vic. of Nievecita, 0-50 m, Woodson et al. 1820 (MO). CANAL ZONE: Barro Colorado Island, Aviles 5 (MO). Hills N of Frijoles, Standley 27626 (US). Vic. of Salamanca Hydrographic Station, Rio Pequeni, 80 m, Woodson et al. 1566 (MO, US). CHIRIQUI: Puerto Armuelles, Davidson 1080 (F). 20 km W of Puerto Armuelles, 400-600 m, Busey 535 (MO). Vic. of San Felix, 0-120 m, Pittier 5188 (US). DARIEN: Rio Pirre, 20 mi W of El Real, Duke 5191 (MO). Ca. 2 mi NW of Yaviza, Duke 6530 (MO). Quebrada Nigua, below Santa Fe, Duke 8828 (MO, OS). Tiotuma, ca. 100 m, Duke 10069 (MO). Agua Fria, 8 mi N of Santa Fe, 50 m, Duke 10118 (FSU, OS). Camp Tiotuma, 164 ft, Duke 15510 (OS, REED). 3 mi E of Santa Fe, Tyson et al. 4675 (MO). Boca de Cupe, Williams 717 (US). LOS SANTOS: Loma Prieta, 800-9OO m, Duke 11836 (MO, OS), 11846 (MO). Vic. of headwaters of Rio Pedregal, 25 mi SW of Tonosli, 2500-3000 ft, Lewis et al. 2914 (MO). PANAMA: Cerro Azul, Croat 17329 (MO). Dam site, ca. 4 mi S of Caiiita, D'Arcy & D'Arcy 6053 (MO). Road to Cerro Azul, 2000 ft, D'Arcy & D'Arcy 6218 (MO). Pan-Am. Hwy. near Jenine, Rio Cafiita, Duke 3858 (MO). Vic. of El Llano, Duke 5819 (MO). Cerro Jefe, 10-13 mi S of Goofy Lake, Duke 8007 (MO, OS). Cerro Jefe, Duke 9359 (MO, OS). Goofy Lake to 1.5 mi S of Goofy Lake, ca. 1800 ft, Dwyer & Hayden 8035 (MO, REED, US). Cerro Jefe, ca. 1000 m, Gentry 6747 (MO). Tributary of Rio Chagres, 5 mi SW of Cerro Brewster, ca. 1000 ft, Lewis et al. 3524 (MO). Rio Tapia, Standley 28283 (US). E slope of Cerro Jefe, 2700 ft, Tyson 3369, 3421 (both MO). Cerro Jefe, Tyson et al. 4297 (FSU, MO). Cerro Azul, near Finca Urano, ca. 2500 ft, Tyson 6509 (FSU).
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