This species is found on humid tropical seacoasts at 0-5 m elevation throughout the Pacific, Indian Ocean, and Caribbean, and is very occasional along Atlantic coasts. The species was studied by Razafimandimbison et al. (2010), who mapped its distribution, characterized it morphologically, and concluded that this species arose in southeastern Asia. Morinda citrifolia is widely cultivated for its fruits, which are the source of the herbal extract "noni"; this species has not been documented as cultivated in Madagascar, but may actually be cultivated now or in the near future. Some plants in Asia and the Pacific have remarkable showy white inflorescence bracts; the development of these bracts is appparently variable within the species (Razafimandimbison et al. 2010). These bracts have not yet been documented in plants outside southeastern Asia and the Pacific, but if plants of this species with bracts do occur, they are not considered to represent an additional species.