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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 9/10/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 9/10/2013)
Species Ixora coccinea L.
PlaceOfPublication Sp. P1. 110. 1753.
Note TYPE: ?Ceylon, herb. Linn. (LINN 131.1, not seen, microfiche MO).
Description Shrubs 0.5-2.0 m tall, much branching, the twiglets glabrous, the nodes well spaced. Leaves sessile or subsessile, oblong, ovate oblong, elliptic or occasion- ally obovate oblong, 2.0-8.5(-16.0) cm long, 1.2-6.2 cm wide, rounded, deltoid to subacute at the apex, often with a terminal bristle to 1 mm long, cordate, obtuse, basally truncate or subobtuse, the lateral veins 10-13, joining to form an irregular, undulate submarginal vein, the intervenal areas spreading reticulate, coriaceous, glabrous; stipules oblong, to 6.5 cm long, usually shorter, the median awn as long as the body. Inflorescences terminal, the flowers in dense corymbs, the aggregate to 7 cm long, occasionally wider than long, the peduncle usually suppressed or to 1.2 cm long, occasionally with 1-2 pairs of opposite branches, the lowermost to 2 cm long; bracts and bracteoles ovate, to 0.8 cm long, acute. Flowers sessile; hypanthium subrotund to oblong rotund or turbinate, glabres- cent, the calycine cup reduced, the lobes 5, ascending, triangular, ca. 1 mm long, acute; corolla red or orange, the tube linear infundibuliform, 3.5-4.5 cm long, 0.1 cm wide, glabrous or minutely puberulent, the lobes ovate oblong or oblong, 1.2- 1.5 cm long, 0.8 mm wide, acute to widely deltoid, glabrous; stamens 4, the anthers soon deciduous, narrowly ovate oblong, 3.5-4.2 mm long, caudate acu- minate for ca. 1 mm, sagittate basally, the filaments shorter than the anthers, attached at the mouth; style scarcely exserted or exserted for 5 mm, the stigmas 1 mm long. Fruits not seen.
Habit Shrubs
Native Asia
Distribution commonly cultivated in Central and South America, in the West Indies and in Madagascar.
Note The inflorescence is usu- ally spreading and the peduncle is obvious. Croat 15624 notes: "fruits red to dark violet, mesocarp sweet, pulpy; seeds 2." One collection, Correa 1142, has large leaves reaching to 16 cm in length and distinctly petiolate.
Common Buquet de Novia Cacho de Toro
Common Jazmin de Coral
Specimen BOCAS DEL TORO: Bocas, airport runway, Lazor et al. 2430 (MO). CANAL ZONE: Diablo Heights, Correa 1140, 1142 (both MO). Frijoles, Ebinger 311 (MO). Coco Solo, Gentry 6063 (MO). Gaillard Highway between Summit Garden and Gamboa, Sullivan 21 (MO). Miraflores Locks, Tyson 1138 (MO). Fort Sherman, Tyson & Blum 3788 (MO). BARRO COLORADO ISLAND: Croat 4061 A, 7051, 15264 (all MO); Hayden 15264 (MO); Lourteig et al. 3027 (MO). COCLE: Penonom&, Quiros 5 (MO). Turnoff from main highway to Cerro Azul, Reece 1 (MO). DARIEN: El Real, Lazor & Correa 3368 (MO). PANAMA: Juan Diaz, Mendez s.n. (MO).
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