(Last Modified On 8/19/2013)
(Last Modified On 8/19/2013)
Allenanthus erythrocarpus Standley
Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 27: 344. 1940.
TYPE: Panama', Allen 1999 (MO, holotype).
Chimarrhis decurrens Steyermark, Ceiba 3: 18-19. 1952. TYPE: Allen 3566 (F, holotype).
Trees 10(-20) m tall, the branchlets smooth, terete, rubescent, ultimately plano-compressed, glabrate, the nodes usually 4-5 cm apart. Leaves ovate ellip- tic, 7-11 cm long, 3.8-5.0 cm wide, deltoid at the apex, acuminate, the acumen to 1.5 cm long, obtuse and scarcely inequilateral at the base, the costa promi- nulous above, prominent beneath,,-the lateral veins ca. 7, arcuate, usually with one subparallel vein between 2 lateral veins, the intervenal areas mosaic-like, chartaceous, scarcely discolorous, glabrous except puberulent on the costa and the veins beneath; petioles slender, to 1.5 cm long; stipules deciduous, free, widely ovate or compressed rotund, 3-6 mm long, abruptly cuspidate, the cusp as long as the body. Inflorescences terminal, solitary, paniculate, to 15 cm long, to 10 cm wide, rounded terminally, the peduncles terete, 4.0-6.5 cm long, pu- berulent, the branches opposite, the lowermost to 9 cm long, arcuate or strict, strongly ascending, pubescent, the hairs often present only on part of the pedun- cle and branches; bracts small, linear-subulate. Flowers with pedicels 1-5 mm long; hypanthium turbinate, glabrous, to 2 mm long; calycine lobes 4, prominent, ovate to rotund, 0.5-0.9 mm long, glabrous; corolla tube to 4 mm long, pubescent outside, sparsely pilose within, the lobes oblong, ca. 1.5 mm long, almost as wide, rounded apically; anthers oblong, ca. 1 mm long, the filaments slightly shorter than the anthers. Fruits strongly compressed, ca. 8 mm long, to 6 mm wide, glabrous, appearing winged, drying red, the central seminiferous part to 2.5 mm long, 3-nerved, surrounded by a thick wing.
known only from Panama and Costa Rica.
COCLE: El Valle de Ant6n, Allen 1999, 2713 (both MO), 3566 (F). PANAMA: Between El Llano and Rio Mamoni, Duke 5654 (MO).
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