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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 8/12/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 8/12/2013)
Species Zanthoxylum limoncello Tr. & Planch. ex Planch. & Oerst.
PlaceOfPublication Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot., Ser. 5, 14: 312. 1872.
Note TYPE: Panama, Boquete, Seemann 1655 (BM, not seen; photo NY).
Synonym Zanthoxylum costaricense Donnell Smith, Bot. Gaz. 13: 190. 1888. TYPE: Costa Rica, Cooper 176 (F? not seen). Fagara limoncello (Planch. & Oerst.) Engl., Nat. Pflanzenfam. 111. 4: 117. 1896. Fagara costaricensis Engl., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 21, Beibl. 54: 25. 1896. SYNTYPES: Costa Rica, Hoffman 474, 475 (B?, neither seen).
Description Shrubs or small trees, 2-7 m high; trunks apparently armed, the branchlets glabrous, usually armed with brownish, recurved, 4-5 mm long, paired to occa- sionally solitary, pseudostipular prickles below the leaves. Leaves odd-pinnate, glabrous, 6-11 cm long; petiole and petiolules canaliculate above; leaflets 3, inserted at the top of the petiole, lanceolate to ovate or elliptic, acuminate apically, narrowed into the petiolule basally, the lateral leaflets inequilateral, the margins crenulate and slightly revolute, the blade pellucid punctate throughout, the marginal punctations at the bases of the crenulations conspicuous, coriaceous, paler beneath, 25-91 mm long, 11-32 mm wide, the terminal leaflets largest. Staminate panicles axillary, branched, minutely and sparsely puberulent, to 4.5 cm long. Staminate flowers green, subsessile or sessile; sepals 4, connate basally, broadly triangular, minutely puberulent, with a large subapical dorsal punctation, the margins hyaline, less than 1 mm long; petals 4, elliptic, with a large subapical dorsal punctation, the margins hyaline and ciliate, imbricate, ca. 2 mm long, 1 mm wide; stamens 4, exserted, 3-4 mm long; carpels 2, connate to the base of the style. Carpellate panicles axillary, branched, minutely and sparsely puberu- lent, 1.5-3.5 cm long. Carpellate flowers like the staminate, except the stamens absent; disc large, conspicuous, 3-lobed; carpels 3, free, obovoid, glabrous, the style ca. 1 mm long, the stigma capitate. Follicles 1-2, globose, punctate verrucose, glabrous, reddish at maturity, short stipitate, 4-5 mm in diameter; seeds black, lustrous, minutely pitted.
Habit Shrubs or small trees
Distribution occur only in Costa Rica and Panama
Note specimens from north of Costa Rica that have been attributed to this species represent another taxon. In Panama, this species is known to flower in March and to fruit in March and May. This is a plant of cloud forests.
Specimen CHIRIQUI: Old finca above upper end of Boquete, D'Arcy 6470 (MO). Boquete, Davidson 631 (A, F, US). Boquete, 1000-1300 m, Maxon 5138 (NY, US). Pastures around Boquete, 1000-1300 m, Pittier 3015 (NY, US). Valley of the upper Rio Chiriqui Viejo, White 27 (MO).
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