(Last Modified On 7/15/2013)
(Last Modified On 7/15/2013)
Cardiospermum halicacabum L.
Sp. PI. 366. 1753.
TYPE: Indies, Herb. Linn. 513.1 (LINN, not seen, MO, microfiche).
Cardiospermum corindum L., Sp. PI., ed. 2. 526. 1762. TYPE: Brazil (not seen). Corindum halicacabum (L.) Medic., Malven-Fam. 110. 1787. Cardiospermum glabrum Schum. & Thonn., Kongel. Danske Vidensk. Selsk. Naturvidensk. Math. Afh. 3:217. 1828. TYPE: Guianas, Sabalo incolis (not seen). Cardiospermum corycodes Kunze, Linnaea 17:579. 1843. TYPE: Cuba, Doering (not seen). Cardiospermum luridum Blume, Rumphia 3:184. 1847. TYPE: Java (not seen).
Annual vines; stems 5- or 6-ribbed, glabrous or minutely pubescent. Leaves biternate; leaflets oblong to ovate, obtuse or subacute at apex, attenuate or acute at the base, 2-8 cm long, 1-2.5 cm wide, deeply incised-dentate, membranous, pubescent or glabrate; stipules subulate, small. Thyrses long-pedunculate on a tendril, umbellike in appearance. Flowers yellowish white, mostly 4-5 mm long; sepals 4, the outer 2 small, pubescent, the inner 2 large, glabrous, oblong, ca. 4 mm long; petals obovate, attenuate, equal to the inner sepals, the scale round, to 2.5 mm long, the deflexed appendage oblong, villous especially along the mar- gins, the crest obovate, orange; disc with 2 conspicuous suborbicular, glabrous glands 0.5 mm long; filaments pilose, those of the staminate flowers to 3.5 mm long. Capsules subglobose, 3-lobed, 3-4 cm long, membranous, inflated, pubes- cent, green to brown or reddish brown; seeds globose, black, 5 mm long, the hilum large, bilobed.
The species is found throughout the tropics and also enters into certain sub- tropical regions. Though no specimens are available from Panama, the species will probably be found there.
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