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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 7/16/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 7/16/2013)
Species Paullinia bracteosa Radlk.
PlaceOfPublication Bull. Herb. Boissier 2: 321. 1905.
Note TYPE: Costa Rica, buisson du Tuis, 650 m, Tonduz 16416 (F, NY, US).
Synonym Paullinia naiguatensis Steyermark, Bol. Soc. Venez. Ci. Nat. 26: 457. 1966. TYPE: Venezuela, Distrito Federal, Cerro Naiguata, 900-1100 m, Steyermark 91874 (US).
Description Lianas; young stems 5-sulcate, the older stems with 3 broad corky wings; sap milky; wood composite, usually with 3 inconspicuous peripheral bundles; stem, petiole and rachis with sparse long pubescence. Leaves pinnately 5-f oliolate; petioles to 22 cm long, winged; rachis winged, 6-24 mm wide; leaflets elliptic, oblong-elliptic or obovate, usually abruptly acuminate at the apex, obtuse to at- tenuate at the base, 8-30 cm long, 4-12 wide, weakly bullate at least in age, gla- brous above except for the hirsute midrib and the weakly pubescent principal veins, glabrate to hispidulous throughout below, the midrib often both hispid and puberulent, crenate above the middle, the teeth glandular; blades, rachis and petiole with margins ciliate; stipules paired, lanceolate, 2-4 cm long, to 1.5 cm wide, minutely pubescent and ciliate. Inflorescences cylindrical, axillary, stout, ca. 2.5 cm wide, 10-20 cm long, densely rufous-tomentose, bracteolate. Flowers white; sepals to 5.3 mm long, suborbicular, concave, tomentulose, ciliolate; petals equalling or exceeding the sepals, glabrous except for appressed pubescence out- side medially in the lower 2/3 of the petal, the scales 2/3_3/4 as long as the petal and nearly enclosed within the concavity of the petal, the scale margins and margins of the deflexed appendage prominently bearded with stiff, white trichomes, the crest ca. 1 mm long, entire, orange; disc glands of the anterior petals whitish, erect, flattened, broader than high, densely pubescent at the base; stamens 7 or 8, the filaments densely villous throughout, to 3 mm long, held closely together around the pistil, the anthers ovate-elliptic, the connective dark, the thecae whit- ish; staminate flowers with ovary bearded at the base, the 3 styles short and re- duced, held well below the anthers; bisexual flowers with styles 3-branched to below the middle, to 2.3 mm long, held well above the anthers, the unbranched part pubescent. Capsules pyriform, 3-5 cm long, rounded to subcordate and apiculate at the apex, tapered to the base, terete to broadly 3-sided, 3-celled, the valves thick, to ca. 3 mm diam., striate, densely puberulent to glabrous without, glabrous within; seed 1 (rarely 2), to 2 cm long, enveloped throughout by a red mesoderm, the aril apparently lacking.
Habit Lianas
Note Paullinia bracteosa may be confused with several other species possessing 5-foliolate leaves with winged rachises and winged petioles. However, it is dis- tinguished by the large, nonarillate fruits and the weakly bullate older leaves. It is most easily confused with P. sessiliflora var. angustirachis which differs in having smaller fruits and shinier and usually narrower leaflets which are glabrous except for the barbulate axils of the lower surface. Radlkofer (1933-1934) reported P. eriantha Benth. for Panama based on Hayes 334 from the Canal Zone but that collection is P. bracteosa. Paullinia eriantha is a South American species which differs in having a more pubescent, ellipsoid fruit. In Panama, P. bracteosa flowers from the early dry season to the early rainy season, December to August, and fruits mature mainly from February to August.
Distribution ranges from Costa Rica (Caribbean slope and Osa Peninsula) South to Venezuela and to the southern parts of the Amazon Basin from the Rio Madeira in Brazil to Peru and Bolivia. In Panama it is restricted to tropical moist forest.
Specimen BOCAS DEL TORO: Above RR stop at Milla 7.5, Croat & Porter 16302 (MO). Vic. of Chiriqui Lagoon, von Wedel 1250, 1336 (both GH, MO, US). CANAL ZONE: Barro Colorado Island, Bailey & Bailey 283 (F); Bangham 446 (A), 542 (A, F, GH); Croat 4530 (MO), 4814 (DUKE, F, MO, NY, SCZ), 4954, 5291, 5363 (all MO, SCZ), 5818, 7177 (all MO, NY, SCZ), 10394 (F, MO, SCZ), 10395 (SCZ), 11655, 14005, 14588, 16589A (all MO); Foster 1022 (DUKE, MO, PMA); Kenoyer 421 (US); Montgomery 62, 79, 155 (all MO); Pittier 4011 (C, GH, M, NY, US); Salvosa 542 (A); Shattuck 620 (F, MO, US); Standley 31281 (US); Starry 99, 313 (both F, MO); Wetmore & Abbe 206 (A, F, GH, MO), 222 (A, F, MO); Wet- more & Woodworth 38 (F), 869 (A); Wilson 64 (F); Woodworth & Vestal 570 (A, MO); Zetek 3466 (F, MO). Pipeline Road, 4 mi from Gamboa gate, Croat 16690 (MO). Pipeline Road, Gentry 1446B (MO). Cerro Galera, Gentry 6644 (MO). Pipeline Road, Limbo Hunt Club, Kennedy & Kennedy 3055 (MO). CmIuIQui: Puerto Armuelles, Davidson 1140 (F). DARIEN: Rio Tuquesa, ca. 2 air km from continental divide, Croat 27230 (MO). El Real Quebrada, Duke 327 (MO). Slopes of Cerro Chucula, drainage of Rio Pavarando, Gentry 4250 (MO). Vic. of El Real, Stern et al. 779 (G, GH, MO, US). LOS SANTOS: Vic. of Tonosi, Guanaco, Stern et al. 33665 (US). PANAMA: Rio Peta, 1-3 mi above confluence with Rio Maestra, Duke 4733 (GH, MO). Rio Pasiga to above waterfall on 2nd main fork, Gentry 2307 (MO). 4 mi E of Cafiitas, Gentry 4973 (MO). Along Rio Chilibre, Piper 5680 (US). SAN BLAS: Mainland opposite Playon Chico, 0-200 m, Gentry 6383 (MO). WITHOUT EXACT LO- CALITY: Hayes 334 (K).
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